
Python Package to run Latent Dirichlet Allocation in Parallel

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Parallelized Python/Cython implementation of Latent Dirichlet allocation Final project for CS205 at Harvard University Written by Charles Liu, Nicolas Drizard, and Virgile Audi

System Requirements:

This package was tested on OSX. We ran experiments on Python 2.7 with needed packages:

  • Numpy
  • Threading
  • Cython

The execution of the Cython scripts require a C compiler.


To install the package, download the zip folder from the git repository. We are working to have a pip install link soon.


This Python package can be used to perform efficient topic modeling using Latent Dirichlet Allocation. More details on LDA can be found in the IPython notebook below.

The organisation of the package is as follow:

  • Two classes:

    • The oviLDA class to perform Online Variational Inference and the cgsLDA class to perform Collapsed Gibbs Sampling

    • These 2 classes have identical methods, and only a few specific attributes change for inference purposes:

      • Common attributes include:
      Attribute Type Details
      num_topics Int Number of topics desired
      num_threads Int Number of threads needed for parallelisation
      topics Array of dimensions: num_topics x len(vocabulary) Each row representing a particular topic, after normalisation these can be treated as multinomial over the vocabulary
      gamma Array of dimensions: len(corpus) x num_topics Each row representing the topic assignment for a document
      _log_likelihood Float Perplexity evaluated on the training data
      • OVI specific attributes:
      Attribute Type Details
      batch_size Int Number of document to consider in every batch
      tau Int Parameter used to weight the first iterations of the algorithm
      kappa Float: (0.5,1] Parameter controlling the rate at which we forget previous iterations
      max_iterations Int Maximum number of iterations on one particular document
      • CGS specific attributes:
      Attribute Type Details
      iterations Int Number of sampling iterations
      damping Int Likelihood full number of occurrences will be sampled. See notebook for more details
      sync_interval Int Parameter controlling how often threads aggregate topic distributions
      alpha Float Dirichlet prior parameter for document/topics
      beta Float Dirichlet prior parameter for topics/words
      split_words Boolean Parallelization method used. See notebook for more details
      • Methods:

        • fit(dtm): fits the model for a particular corpus
        Parameters Type Details
        dtm array of dimensions: len(docs) x len(voc) document term matrix
        • transform(dtm): Transform new documents into a topic assignment matrix according to a previously trained model
        Parameters Type Details
        dtm array of dimensions: len(docs) x len(voc) document term matrix (NO ZERO COLUMNS FOR CGS METHOD)
        Return Type Details
        gamma array of dimensions: len(docs) x num_topics Topic assignments
  • Useful functions related to the LDA model in the LDAutil folder:

    • print_topic(model,vocabulary,num_top_words): prints the topics for a fitted LDA model
    Parameters Type Details
    model cgsLDA or oviLDA A previously fitted LDA model
    vocabulary array of dimensions: 1 x len(vocabulary) An array of strings ordered in the same way as the columns of DTM
    num_top_words Int Number of wanted words per topic
    • perplexity(model,dtm_test): computes the log-likelihood of the documents in dtm_test based on the topic distribution already learned by the model
    Parameters Type Details
    model cgsLDA or oviLDA A previously fitted LDA model
    dtm_new array of dimensions: len(docs) x len(vocabulary) A new DTM corresponding to the new documents on which we want to evaluate the perplexity
    Return Type Details
    perplexity float Perplexity evaluated on new documents

More details on these functions and what they actually evaluate are present in the Ipython notebook.

  • A subset of the Reuters news dataset in the form of a document term matrix and the associated vocabulary.

Test to run:

For you to test if your system is up to the requirements and to showcase the package in action, we included a Python test.py file.

You can run both versions of LDA by commenting and uncommenting respectively lines 36 and 39.
