
HEVCESBrowser is a tool for analyzing hevc(h265) bitstreams

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


HEVCESBrowser is a tool for analyzing HEVC(h265) bitstreams.

This application displays syntax elements of hevc elementary streams. Input file for HEVCESBrowser should be unmuxed elementary stream. If analysis of the video in any type of container (e.g. in .ts or .mp4 files) is needed, preliminary demuxing is required. For example, you can use ffmpeg for this: ffmpeg -i your_file -vcodec copy -an video.h265. There are gui and cli applications in this product.

Current building status: Build Status

Prebuilt binaries

Prebuilt binaries for windows are available.

Latest Release


alt tag

Building requirements:

  • boost (for testing only)

  • qt5

    • brew: brew install qt5


cd hevcesbrowser

git submodule init && git submodule update

mkdir project

cd project

cmake ../


cd ../utils/hevc_es_browser_gui/

qmake hevc_es_browser_gui.pro

make gitinfo
