
Random scripts and other stuff I mess around with.

Primary LanguagePython

This is a public repository of all of the stuff I mess around with. In here, you'll find shell scripts I wrote to carry out certain tasks, ideas that made me go "Hmmmm....", source code, and whatever else I happened to be messing with at the time. Some of you may find it helpful or interesting, some of you may not.

A subset of this code may not work, so beware.

Good luck.


init-killswitch.sh - A hacked /bin/init shell script from Gentoo Linux that is supposed to go into your initrd when you recompile the kernel. The idea is that it asks you for your password twice - the first time as if you'd mistyped it, the second time as if you'd typed it correctly. If you gave a different pre-defined passphrase the first time that's hardcoded in the script it'll wipe the LUKS headers of your encrypted root volume and wreck the system (assuming that you created a single LUKS volume and used LVM inside of it). I haven't tested this yet so be careful. If you wreck your system I'm not responsible.

add_jumpstart_pxe_client.sh - A shell script for Solaris that automagically adds hosts to a Jumpstart server's client list. Written for Solaris 10/x86. Will probably work on Solars 10/SPARC as well.

fan_modes.sh - A SYSV-style initscript for manually controlling i8k fans on Dell laptops. Itch scratched.

tormirror.sh - A script to automate the updating of a mirror of torproject.org using rsync.

update_source_trees-1.0.sh - Shell script that automates the process of updating /usr/src and /usr/ports on OpenBSD machines from CVS. Can even do initial checkouts if they don't already exist.

make_iso-1.0.sh - Shell script for Linux that automates the process of making .iso images to burn to CD-ROM.

burn_dvd - Shell script for Linux that automates the process of burning DVDs, either from a directory or as a pre-built .iso iamge. Can even detect and burn video DVDs if the directory structures are in place.

start-stop-services.sh - An initscript-like script for systemd-enabled laptops. Goes in /usr/local/sbin, symlinked into /etc/laptop-mode/nolm-ac-st[art,op]. The idea is that whenever laptop mode goes on battery, some services that hit the disk a lot are shut off to conserve power, and are turned back on when the system's on AC again.

unmark_dump_to_shaarli.py - Utility written in Python which takes a JSON dump from an Unmark instance and migrates it into a new Shaarli instance.

diceware.py - An implementation of the Diceware algorithm for generating more memorable passwords that fit various parameters. Requires only a basic install of Python 2 and no third party modules. diceware.py --help prints the online documentation.

pelican_timed_post.sh - A shell script which implements timed posts in Pelican.

upload_wiki_pages_to_bookstack.py - Research code in Python that pumps lots of Markdown files into a Bookstack wiki using the Bookstack REST API and the bookstack Python module.