
Utility plugin for interacting with attribute tables

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Attribute Table Utilities Plugin

This Lua plugin provides some helpful utility functions for interacting with Visionary Render's attribute table nodes.

The underlying representation of attribute tables in Visionary Render introduces some complexity in using Lua to interact with them, including the following:

  • Each size of attribute table is represented by a different metanode in Visionary Render
  • Accessing an attribute table value without knowing its keys requires you to index the node properties directly
  • All values in attribute tables are stored as strings

This plugin provides the following utility functions to abstract away some of this complexity:

It should be noted that all these functions impose an additional constraint that rows in the attribute table must have unique keys. This constraint isn't inherent to attribute tables but in order to provide a simpler interface it's recommended not to use duplicate keys. The functions in this plugin apply this constraint in the following ways:

Getter functions




This function creates an iterator function which can be used like the pairs function to iterate over the key-value pairs in the attribute table attTbl.

This can be used as follows. Given the attribute table:

Key Value
key1 value1
key2 value2

The code:

for k,v in AttributeUtils.getAttributeIterator(attTbl) do


Key	key1	Value	value1
Key	key2	Value	value2

This function is used by the getAllAttributes and getAttribute functions.





This function collects all the attributes from an attribute table attTbl and returns a Lua table with key-value pairs the same as the the attribute table.

As an example, the attribute table:

Key Value
key1 value1
key2 value2

Would be returned as the following table:

	key1 = "value1",
	key2 = "value2"

The optional argument attPrefix allows you to append a prefix to the keys in the returned table. This could be useful if you want to combine the contents of multiple attribute tables but want to avoid duplicate keys. For example given the table above and attPrefix of "test" the returned table would be:

	testkey1 = "value1",
	testkey2 = "value2"


  • All values are stored as strings, this function doesn't attempt to convert them.
  • If the attribute table contains duplicate keys, the value in the first row for a given key is used.
  • This will print warnings when duplicate keys are found.




This function gets the value corresponding to the attribute with the key attKey from the attribute table attTbl. If the attribute table doesn't contain a key with the given value this function returns nil.

As an example, given the attribute table attTbl:

Key Value
key1 value1
key2 value2

Would output value1.


  • This function is equivalent to accessing the attribute table itself as if it were a Lua table e.g. attTbl["key1"]. However this function should be used where the key may not exist, as the __index override for attribute tables throws an error if the key isn't present.
  • All values are stored as strings, this function doesn't attempt to convert them.
  • If the attribute table contains duplicate keys, the value of the first row in the table which matches the given key is used.
  • This function exits as soon as the key is found, so no warnings are issued about duplicates.

Creation functions

The maximum number of rows in any single attribute table is 125, and both createAttributeTable and createAttributeTableFromArray will print a warning and not create the table if given more data than this.

However, the Visionary Render user interface automatically combines multiple attribute tables which are the child of the same node, so if you want to store and display more than 125 rows of data it's recommended to split your data into chunks of 125 rows or less, then use these functions to create an attribute table for each chunk.




This function creates an attribute table node under parent and populates it using the table data.

data should be a Lua table with key-value pairs corresponding to the keys and values to be used in the table.

For example, given the following value of data:

	key1 = "value1",
	key2 = "value2"

The following attribute table will be created:

Key Value
key1 value1
key2 value2


  • This function will create a new metanode if none exists for the attribute table of the size required to contain data
  • This function will print a warning and fail to create the node if given more than 125 rows of data
  • All keys and values in data will be converted to strings using tostring
  • Because the input to this is consistent with the format returned by getAllAttributes it's recommended to use this function instead of createAttributeTableFromArray




This function creates an attribute table node under parent and populates it using the array data.

data should be a Lua array of tables, each of the tables in the array should contain a single key-value pair in the following format:

	key = "somekey",
	value = "somevalueasastring"

For example, given the following value of data:

		key = "key1",
		value = "value1"
		key = "key2",
		value = "value2"

The following attribute table will be created:

Key Value
key1 value1
key2 value2


  • This function will create a new metanode if none exists for the attribute table of the size required to contain data
  • This function will print a warning and fail to create the node if the data is invalid in one of the following ways:
    • Contains more than 125 rows of data
    • Contains two rows with the same key
    • Contains a row which doesn't contain a key and a value
  • All keys and values in data will be converted to strings using tostring