- 0
error when convert trace file
#16 opened by heiheshang - 0
termination of shell process
#15 opened by 0xAX - 0
Works with hipe?
#14 opened by benbro - 0
Hosting on the Hex.PM package manager
#13 opened by Qqwy - 2
The application crashes due to wrong return.
#12 opened by fogfish - 2
Job 1, “kcachegrind callgrind.out.filename…” terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)
#10 opened by melekes - 0
- 1
Error in documentation
#6 opened by tomhoward87 - 6
eep:convert_tracing("file_name") issue
#4 opened by vaassi - 2
Project name is confusing
#3 opened by nox - 2
The same fuction showing up once for every process that's running it in callgrind
#2 opened by bpuzon - 3
The file conversion is failed
#1 opened by fogfish