
Extract viable seeds from p2p-crawler results in a makeseeds.py-compatible format

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Bitcoin seed node exporter

Analyze reachable node data produced by p2p-crawler and extract suitable seed nodes in a makeseeds.py-compatible format


  • Supports all network types (IPv4, IPv6, CJDNS, Onion, I2P)
  • Easy deployment of periodic scheduled runs via Nix flake providing a Nix module
  • Automatic publication of results via FTP

NixOS deployment

The repository includes Nix flake which provides a Nix module (see module.nix for details) for simple deployments. Just include the flake, import the module and enable the service:

  imports = [
  services.seed-exporter.enable = true;

By default, the service is scheduled to run at 12 noon every day. It will look for input data produced by p2p-crawler in /home/p2p-crawler and write results to /home/seed-exporter. These settings can be changed via the schedule, crawlerPath, and resultPath settings (see module.nix for details).

The service can be configured to automatically publish results via FTP. The code was designed to accept the required credentials from a file to make it compatible with SOPS-nix-style secret management:

sops.secrets."seed-exporter/ftp-password".owner = config.users.users.seed-exporter.name;
services.seed-exporter = {
enable = true;
uploadResult = {
enable = true;
ftp = {
      address = "XX.XX.XX.XX";
      username = "johndoe";
      passwordFile = config.sops.secrets."seed-exporter/ftp-password".path;
      destination = "public_html/seeds.txt.gz";


usage: seed-exporter [-h] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [--crawler-path CRAWLER_PATH] [--result-path RESULT_PATH] [--upload-result | --no-upload-result]
                     [--ftp-address FTP_ADDRESS] [--ftp-port FTP_PORT] [--ftp-username FTP_USERNAME] [--ftp-password-file FTP_PASSWORD_FILE]
                     [--ftp-destination FTP_DESTINATION]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        Logging verbosity
  --crawler-path CRAWLER_PATH
                        Directory containing p2p-crawler results
  --result-path RESULT_PATH
                        Directory for results
  --upload-result, --no-upload-result
                        Upload results to FTP (default: disabled)
  --ftp-address FTP_ADDRESS
                        FTP server address
  --ftp-port FTP_PORT   FTP server port
  --ftp-username FTP_USERNAME
                        FTP server user
  --ftp-password-file FTP_PASSWORD_FILE
                        File containing FTP server password
  --ftp-destination FTP_DESTINATION
                        FTP server file destination


This software is made available under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details.