
Allan Hancock College Redesign with Github Page demo

Primary LanguageHTML

Allan Hancock Redesign


  • cd ~/Homestead
  • vagrant up
  • vagrant ssh - log in to vagrant
  • cd code/hancock
  • npm run watch or npm run watch-poll - Watch and compile changes, must be done from vagrant server
  • use http://localhost:3000/ for dev

Put on Github:

  • rm -rf docs
  • npm run prod
  • npm run docs

Autoprefixed CSS

  • Uncomment lines 21-26 in webpack.mix.js (postCss)
  • npm run prod
  • Get CSS from assets/css/main-support.css
  • Comment lines 21-26 in webpack.mix.js (postCss)

New Dev Environments

  • Install Vagrant and VirtualBox per Laravel Homestead guide
  • cd ~/Homestead
  • vagrant up (and if everything's missing reload provision)
  • Add site path (homestead.test) to /etc/hosts192.168.10.10 hancock.test
  • npm install or see Windows (below) if errors
  • composer install (untested)


  • Add site path to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
  • npm install --no-bin-links from Windows bash (or npm update --no-bin-links for updates)
  • sudo npm rebuild node-sass --no-bin-links from Vagrant bash
  • browser-sync start -p "hancock.test" -f "build_local, assets" from Windows bash (http://localhost:3000/)
  • Add to vagrant file: config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 3000, host: 3000, auto_correct: true (reload prov)