
CLI tool for GitLab (no prerequisites required)

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gitlab-cli Build Status

CLI commands for performing actions against GitLab repositories.


Follow the instructions from the releases page.


For all available commands see the command's help: gitlab-cli -h. The most common commands are documented below.


Copy global labels into a repository

GitLab Limitation: Currently there's no way to access global labels through the API, so this tool provides a workaround to copy them.

gitlab-cli label copy -U https://gitlab.com/<USER>/<REPO> -t <TOKEN>

Tip: To avoid specifying -U and -t every time you refer to a repository, you can use the config file to save the details of it. See Specifying a repository.

Copy labels from repoA to repoB

gitlab-cli label copy --from <repoA> -r <repoB>

repoA and repoB are repository names saved in the config file.

Tip: For repositories on the same installation, you can specify the --from repo as group/repo, as a convenience, in which case the repository is considered on the same GitLab instance as the target repo.

Update labels that match a regex

gitlab-cli label update -r <NAME> --match <REGEX> --name <NAME> --color <COLOR> --description <DESC>

Note: <REGEX> is a Go regex string as in https://golang.org/pkg/regexp/syntax and <NAME> is a replacement string as in https://golang.org/pkg/regexp/#Regexp.FindAllString.

Delete labels that match a regex

gitlab-cli label delete -r <NAME> --match <REGEX>


Other commands can be added as needed. Feel free to open pull requests or issues.

Specifying a repository

There are 2 ways to specify a repository:

  1. By using the --url (-U) and --token (-t) flags (or --user (-u) and --password (-p) instead of token) with each command. This is the easiest to get started but requires a lot of typing.
  2. By saving the repository details in the config file and referring to it by its saved name using --repo (-r) (e.g. -r myrepo)


Instead of this:

gitlab-cli label copy -U https://git.my-site.com/my_group/my_repo -t ghs93hska

you can first save the repo in the config file and refer to it by name on all subsequent commands:

gitlab-cli config repo save -r myrepo -U https://git.my-site.com/my_group/my_repo -t ghs93hska
gitlab-cli label copy -r myrepo

Using user and password instead of token

You can specify your GitLab login (user or email) - --user (-u) - and password - --password (-p) - instead of the token in any command, if this is easier for you. Example:

gitlab-cli config repo save -r myrepo -U https://git.my-site.com/my_group/my_repo -u my_user -p my_pass

The config file

The default location of the config file is $HOME/.gitlab-cli.yaml and it is useful for saving repositories and then refer to them by their names. A sample config file looks like this:

    url: https://git.mysite.com/group/repo1
    token: Nahs93hdl3shjf
    url: https://git.mysite.com/group/repo2
    token: Nahs93hdl3shjf
    url: https://git.myothersite.com/group/repo1
    token: OA23spfwuSalos

But there's no need to manually edit this file. Instead use the config commands to modify it (see gitlab-cli config -h). Some useful config commands are:

  • gitlab-cli config cat - print the entire config file contents
  • gitlab-cli config repo ls - list all saved repositories
  • gitlab-cli config repo save ... - save a repository
  • gitlab-cli config repo show -r <repo> - show the details of a saved repository


You'll need a Go dev environment.

git clone https://github.com/clns/gitlab-cli
cd gitlab-cli
git submodule --init update


go run build/build.go

This will build all the executables into the build/ directory.


You need to provide a GitLab URL and private token to be able to create temporary repositories for the tests.

GITLAB_URL="<URL>" GITLAB_TOKEN="<TOKEN>" go test -v ./gitlab

You can spin up a GitLab instance using Docker:

docker pull gitlab/gitlab-ce
docker run -d --name gitlab -p 8055:80 gitlab/gitlab-ce
sleep 60 # allow enough time for GitLab to start
docker exec -ti gitlab bash
su gitlab-psql
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/psql --port 5432 -h /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql -d gitlabhq_production -c " \
          INSERT INTO labels (title, color, template, description, description_html) VALUES ('feature', '#000000', true, 'represents a feature', 'represents a <b>feature</b>'); \
          INSERT INTO labels (title, color, template, description, description_html) VALUES ('bug', '#ff0000', true, 'represents a bug', 'represents a <b>bug</b>'); \
          UPDATE users SET authentication_token='secret' WHERE username='root';"

# Note: you may need to change GITLAB_URL to point to your docker container.
# 'http://docker' is for Docker beta for Windows. 
GITLAB_URL="http://localhost:8055" GITLAB_TOKEN="secret" go test -v ./gitlab

Vendored dependencies

All external dependencies should be available in the vendor/ directory.

To list all dependencies run go list -f '{{.ImportPath}}:{{"\n"}} {{join .Imports "\n "}}' ./....

To vendor a package run git submodule add https://github.com/google/go-github vendor/github.com/google/go-github.