Systems builder and developer, Ruby, Python, Golang, C#, Linux, Cloud, Kubernetes, Open Source contributor.
Surrey, United Kingdom
virtualstaticvoid's Following
- ahacheteOnGres
- alexandreruban@pennylane-hq
- asyncapiWorldwide
- BethGriggsRed Hat
- boukNetherlands
- brancz@polarsignals
- caarlos0@charmbracelet @goreleaser
- cloudposseUnited States of America
- cynewulf1Cushon
- cyphar@SUSE Linux GmbH
- djangoInternet
- djcpezCater
- ebeneditosBarcelona
- flavioSUSE
- geerlingguyMidwestern Mac, LLC
- git-bom
- go-taskBrazil
- hudson-and-thamesLondon
- iximiuziximiuz Labs
- jessfraz@KittyCAD
- kencochraneAkuity
- kevtainerFranklin, TN
- krotikLondon
- NixOSEverywhere
- onematchfoxMidnite IT AB
- paketo-buildpacks
- paralusUnited States of America
- prologic@anzx
- sagikazarmark@openmeterio
- stefanprodan@controlplaneio
- TalkingQuicklySona
- ThreeDotsLabs
- vbatts@microsoft
- Virtual2000