Jobkart Job Search App for Platform for Unorganized Sector Workers

❓ Problem Statement

  • Make a job-search platform for Unorganized Sector Workers.

Note : SMS can be sent to only Twilio verified numbers as I am not using the paid service.

🚧 Technology Stack

  • Server Enviornment - NodeJS
  • Framework - ExpressJS
  • Frontend - ReactJS, HTML, CSS, Javascript
  • Database - MongoDB
  • Cloud database service - MongoDB Atlas
  • Module to send emails - NodeMailer
  • SMS sending - Twilio
  • Deployment - Heroku

⬇️ Installation

  • First, fork this repository 🍴 and follow the given instructions:
# clone the repository to your local machine
$ git clone `git clone<YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME>/Jobkart-Blue-Collars-Job-Seach-Platform-Backend.git`

# navigate to the project's directory and install all the relevant dev-dependencies
$ cd Jobkart-Blue-Collars-Job-Seach-Platform-Backend && npm intsall

# Make a .env file and include the details as per config.js

# Start application
$ node index.js

# Make requests on http://localhost:3030/ from Postman

Problems in Existing Solutions

  • Little Less user friendly for maybe not so literate people
  • Complicated Process - Platform for Unorganized Sector s dont have a resume.
  • Longer waiting Periods for both applicant and employer.
  • All in English
  • Lack of Support on chat/call


I have identified 9 categories of job-seekers to make the platform more intuitive and simple.

  • Electrician
  • Plumber
  • Labour
  • Driver
  • Maid
  • Security guard
  • Cook
  • Peon
  • Mechanic

For Job Seeker

  1. Register
  2. Update Profile
  3. Apply on jobs - just by clicking - as simple as that.
  4. The applicant gets an SMS on his/her phone number after applying to a job. ![SMS TO APPLICANT]

For Job Poster

  1. Post Jobs
  2. Get applications on your posted jobs and shortlist.
  3. Ease the flow for both parties
    • Job Seekers Profiles will be available all throughout, Recruiters can directly see their profiles and give them a message/call
  4. Job Poster gets an email when someone applies on a job posted by him/her. ![MAIL TO RECRUITER]

Project Structure

We will structure our application using the controller, service, and, manager pattern so our app will be broken into the managers, services, and controllers. The Manager-Service-Controller pattern breaks up the business layer of the app into three distinct layers:

  1. The manager class handles getting data into and out of our data store. A manager is used between the service layer and the model layer. For example, in the UserManager you would create methods that write/read a user to and from the database.
  2. The service class calls the manager class and can combine their data to form new, more complex business objects. It is an abstraction between the controller and the manager.
  3. A controller contains very little logic and is used to make calls to services.

🔨 API Endpoints


GET /jobs?CATEGORY=MECHANIC Show all jobs of requested category
POST /jobs Add new job to DB by recruiter
POST /jobs/:job_id/apply Applies on a Job
GET /jobs/candidates?CATEGORY=LABOUR Returns available candidates for requested job


POST /user/register Adds new user to DB

[Pending Tasks]

  • Unit Tests - Due to shortage of time, I couldn't write many unit-test.
  • Login Sessions and Dashboard of Applications

Loophole in current solution

  1. Hiding unavailable jobs/users
  • Problem: The major problem in current solution is lack of mechanism of deleting jobs that have been filled and hiding job-seeker profiles who have already got a job
  • Solution: This is easy to solve once user-sessions for both employer and applicant are created, on their dashboards, we can give the option to hide thier job/profile.
  1. Verification of jobs/profiles
  • Problem: The portal can be spammed with fake jobs/profiles.
  • Solution: Verifying user-identity by Aadhar Number Verification/phone number verifcation.

Additional Features to be added after Hackathon:

  • Multi-lingual
  • Filters according to location, salary etc.
  • Stars/Reviews for job seekers
  • Register by calling also (for job seekers) - simply call on a support number and automated clicks on phone

Reaching Target Audience

  • Awareness of the existence of a solution holds utmost importance.
  • The first point of contact could be several NGOs - Lakshyam, Hand in Hand India, The /Nudge Foundation etc.
  • The Internet is not something that Blue-Collar Workers don't use, Promotional Ads are the way to go.
  • Referral System for both Employer and Seeker.