
This is Project contain API for Chat System like WhatsApp

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This is Project contain API for Chat System like WhatsApp


  1. User Authentication

    • Login method: Phone number and OTP verification.
  2. Profile Management

    • Users should be able to edit their profile, including updating their name and profile picture.
  3. Chat Functionality

    • Enable users to send, receive, forward, and reply to messages and media.
    • Suggest replies based on the last sent message.
  4. Message Scheduling

    • Implement message scheduling capabilities.
  5. Event-Based Auto-Sending Messages

    • Automatically send messages for specific events (e.g., Diwali greetings, birthday celebrations).
    • Pick events from the calendar for auto-sending messages.
  6. Recurring Messages

    • Allow for the scheduling of recurring messages.
  7. Settings

    • Provide a setting to turn the auto-sending and recurring messages feature off and on.
    • Enable sending messages to selected users.


You need to place .env file inside 'chat_system/chat_system' along with settings.py containing below information

SECRET_KEY=<Your Secret Key>

TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=<YOUR TWILIO ACCOUNT SID> # Replace with your Twilio account SID
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=<YOUR TWILIO AUTH TOKEN> # Replace with your Twilio auth token
TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER='+15005550006' # Replace with your Twilio phone number you bought (this is test phone number provided by twilio)

Run below commands

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate

Create Your own superuser

python manage.py createsuperuser

Provide below details

- phone_number:+91<valid 10 digit phone number>
- password: <whatever you want>
- confirm_password: <same as password>


Create Virtual Environment and Install dependency

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run Django App

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate

python manage.py runserver

Run Celery and Celery Beat

celery -A chat_system worker --beat --scheduler django --loglevel=info

Run Using Docker

docker compose up -build


Now you can start using APIs in Postman.

Note that if you have not bought Number from twilio and set it into .env. You can find OTP using steps below

  • Login admin - using credential you just created above using createsuperuser command
  • Go to "Users" -> "Respective Phone Number" whome you want to login -> find otp and use it in postman collection to verify and login