
Integral.io initial project discussion

Primary LanguageJava


Steps to build the project:

  • Clone the repo to local computer.
  • Open repo as a maven project by selecting pom.xml file.

Project Management Tool:

  • Maven


  • jUnit (included in pom.xml)

This project mainly consists of 4 different classes.

  1. KataUser
  2. UserMessage
  3. UserTimeline
  4. TimeAgo
  • KataUser is used to create a User object. It has userId, userName and set of userIds which are followed by that user.
  • UserMessage class is used to create a post. We are required to pass User (who created this message) & message content inorder to initialize.
  • UserTimeline is a class which contains all the mapping of users and their posts.
  • TimeAgo is a helper class which helps converting timestamp to x seconds ago format.

Test cases are provided in the Test folder