Created by Pedro Hermosilla, Sebastian Maisch, Tobias Ritschel, Timo Ropinski.
This repository contains the code of our EGSR paper, Deep-learning the Latent Space of Light Transport. A video of our method can be found in the following link.
If you find this code useful please consider citing us:
title={Deep-learning the Latent Space of Light Transport},
author={Pedro Hermosilla and Sebastian Maisch and Tobias Ritschel and Timo Ropinski },
journal={Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EGSR 2019)}
CUDA 9.0
tensorflow 1.12
The first step is downloading the code for Monte Carlo Convolutions (MCCNN) in the following link. The software expects the code to be in a folder named MCCNN. The second step is following the instruction on the README from MCCNN to compile the library.
Modify the compiling script in folder rt_viewer/cuda_ops
with your cuda and python3 paths. Then, execute the compiling script to generate the CUDA/OpenGL operations. Lastly execute the scripts rt_viewer/
or rt_viewer/
to use the trained networks to visualize two 3D models.
In order to train a network on our datasets first download the data from the following link (COMMING SOON). Then, execute the script
to generate the numpy files. Lastly, execute the command:
python --useDropOut --useDropOutConv --augment --dataset 2
The parameter dataset determines which effect the network should be trained on.