
Ansible role for installing new relic php agent on CentOS 7, also for remi php versions.

Primary LanguageJinjaMIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role GitHub tag (latest by date) GitHub GitHub last commit


Ansible role for installing new relic php agent on CentOS 7.

  • Support multiple php installations
  • Complete control over newrelic.ini configuration
  • Support for uninstallting the agent

This role is still in early states of development, so issues are very possible. Comments and pull reqeusts are welcome !


Using ansible-galaxy:

ansible-galaxy install visdmin.ansible-new-relic-php-agent

Using git:

git clone https://github.com/visdmin/ansible-new-relic-php-agent.git

Using requirements.yml:

- src: visdmin.ansible-new-relic-php-agent


Role Variables

[required] anrpa_installation_state:

  • present: Install new-relic php agent or keep the current version, and configure it.
  • latests: Keep new-relic php agent up to date, and configure it.
  • absent: Uninstall new-relic php agent, repository, and configurations.

[required] anrpa_php_installations: list of php installations:

anrpa_php_installations:                         # List of php installations      (required)
  # php installation #1
  - appname: "my app"                            # Aplication name                (required)
    license: "123123810923789018283"             # New relic license key          (required)
    bin_path: "/opt/remi/php74/root/bin/"        # Path to the `php` executable   (required)
    config_path: "/etc/opt/remi/php74/php.d/"    # Path to `php` config directory (required)

  # php installation #2
  - appname: "another app"
    license: "adaw213131321"
  # php installation #n

Required fields for php_installation:

Optional fields for php_installation:

  • state: [present | absent] can be used to disable php single installation (removes the .ini file for the installation)
  • php_fpm_service_name: php-fpm service name to be restarted when php configuration changes are done.
  • web_server_service_name: web-server service name to be restarted when php configuration changes are done.
  • ini: newrelic.ini configuration variables

Important !

Other role variables (defaults)

  • anrpa_new_relic_repo_name: new-relic yum repository name
  • anrpa_new_relic_64bit_repo_url: new-relic yum repository url for 64-bit systems
  • anrpa_new_relic_32bit_repo_url: new-relic yum repository url for 32-bit systems
  • anrpa_php_agent_package_name: new-relic php agent package name
  • anrpa_php_agent_service_name: new-relic php agent service name
  • anrpa_php_ini_filename: new-relic php.ini file name

Variable example:

anrpa_installation_state: latest
  - appname: My php 7.4 installation 1
    license: awdbk12312adawd12312kadwaw2132
    bin_path: /opt/remi/php74/root/bin/
    config_path: /etc/opt/remi/php74/php.d/
    php_fpm_service_name: php74-php-fpm
    web_server_service_name: nginx
    # newrelic.ini configuration:
      enabled: true
      logfile: "/var/log/newrelic/php_agent.log"
      loglevel: "info"
      high_security: false
      process_host.display_name: ""
      daemon.logfile: "/var/log/newrelic/newrelic-daemon.log"
      daemon.loglevel: "info"
  - appname: My php 7.2 installation
    license: awdbk12312adawd12312kadwaw2132
    bin_path: /opt/remi/php72/root/bin/
    config_path: /etc/opt/remi/php72/php.d/
    php_fpm_service_name: php72-php-fpm
    web_server_service_name: apache
    # newrelic.ini configuration:
      enabled: true
      logfile: "/var/log/newrelic/php_agent.log"
      loglevel: "info"
      high_security: false
      process_host.display_name: ""
      daemon.logfile: "/var/log/newrelic/newrelic-daemon.log"
      daemon.loglevel: "info"

Example Playbooks

Install the new relic php agent for single remi php version.

- hosts: all
    anrpa_installation_state: latest
      - appname: my application
        license: awdbk12312ada2wd12312kadwaw2132
        bin_path: /opt/remi/php74/root/bin/
        config_path: /etc/opt/remi/php74/php.d/
        php_fpm_service_name: php74-php-fpm
        web_server_service_name: nginx
          framework: symfony2
    - visdmin.ansible-new-relic-php-agent

Uninstall the new relic php agent and configurations. (anrpa_installation_state: absent)

- hosts: all
    anrpa_installation_state: absent
      - appname: my application
        license: awdbk12312ada2wd12312kadwaw2132
        bin_path: /opt/remi/php74/root/bin/
        config_path: /etc/opt/remi/php74/php.d/
        php_fpm_service_name: php74-php-fpm
        web_server_service_name: nginx
          framework: symfony2
    - visdmin.ansible-new-relic-php-agent

Install the new relic php agent for two different php versions.

- hosts: all
  become: true
    anrpa_installation_state: latest
      - appname: php-7.4
        license: 123123981awdawd0293129
        bin_path: /opt/remi/php74/root/bin/
        config_path: /etc/opt/remi/php74/php.d/
        php_fpm_service_name: php74-php-fpm
        web_server_service_name: nginx
      - appname: php-7.2
        license: 123123981awdawd0293129
        bin_path: /opt/remi/php72/root/bin/
        config_path: /etc/opt/remi/php72/php.d/
        php_fpm_service_name: php72-php-fpm
        web_server_service_name: nginx
    - visdmin.ansible-new-relic-php-agent

Install the new relic php agent for standard php installation

- hosts: all
    anrpa_installation_state: latest
      - appname: my application
        license: awdbk12312adawd3212312kadwaw2132
        bin_path: /usr/bin/
        config_path: /etc/php.d/
        php_fpm_service_name: php-fpm
     - visdmin.ansible-new-relic-php-agent
