This is a basic reproduction that includes various components preconfigured like SAML, LDAP, advanced logging, prometheus, grafana, and elasticsearch.

Making Changes

If you're testing changes with Mattermost I do not suggest running make restart or make stop because the keycloak instance can quickly get into a failed state with too frequent of restarts. Instead do make restart-mattermost.

Additionally, the keycloak container can take up to 5 minutes to spin up. If it's taking a while with no logs output, just restart the keycloak container only.

Getting Started

  1. Add an enterprise license to this folder with the name license.mattermost note: If you ignore this set Mattermost will not spin up.

  2. Start the docker containers. This may take a second to download everything.

You'll be prompted on setting up the test data.

make start
  1. Sign into Mattermost
  • You can use any of the accounts to sign in.
  • The keycloak container can be very picky sometimes and require a restart of just that container to sign in with that method the first time.


make backup-keycloak

This takes your exiting keycloak setup and backs it up in the files directory. You most likely don't need this frequently.

make restore-keycloak

If you made changes to keycloak, this will copy over the keycloak data. You'll want to delete the ./volumes/keycloak first.

make stop

Simply stops the running contains

make restart

Simply restarts the docker containers.

make restart-mattermost

Restarts only the Mattermost containers.

make reset

This deletes the volumes directory and starts everything again. Easiest way to get to get the environment back the default.

make delete-data

This clears all data from the volumes and stops Mattermost.

make nuke

Destroys everything (Except your life).


Username Password Keycloak Role Mattermost Role Can use LDAP? Can use SAML?
admin admin Admin n/a n/a n/a
professor professor User Sys Admin Yes Yes
bender bender User Member Yes Yes
hermes hermes User Sys Admin Yes Yes
fry fry User Member Yes Yes
leela leela User Member Yes Yes
zoidberg zoidberg User Member Yes Yes
amy amy User Member Yes Yes


How to upgrade

  1. Modify the line in the docker-compose.yml file to be the version you want

You're just replacing the tag at the end, ths one is 7.7 for example. It must be a version of Mattermost that exists on Docker.

  1. Run make restart-mattermost

This will bounce the Mattermost container only.

How to Downgrade

Doing this will wipe anything you have in the database and any existing Mattermost config. If you desire to manually downgrade, follow the upgrade steps but in reverse. Note you might have some issues with the patch config and such.

  1. Modify the line in the docker-compose.yml file to be the version you want

You're just replacing the tag at the end, ths one is 7.7 for example. It must be a version of Mattermost that exists on Docker.

  1. Run make downgrade

This will:

  • delete the database
  • Restart the database container
  • Restart the Mattermost container

Use Grafana

All the Mattermost grafana charts are already installed and linked, you just have to access them.

  1. Go to localhost:3000
  2. Sign in with admin / admin. Change the password if you want, I don't suggest it.
  3. Click Dashboards > Manage
  4. Click any of the dashboards you want to view.