Question Answering & fill in the missing words on BERT, BIOBERT, CLINICAL BERT, RoBERTa, BIO-MED RoBERTa, XLNET and spanish to english translation using Neural Machine Translation Model
To use the BioASQ dataset, you need to register in the BioASQ website which authorizes the use of the dataset. Please unpack the pre-processed BioASQ dataset(factoid) provided above to a directory
- For each model seperate guidlines are mentioned
Pretrained masked language models used. (BERT, BIOBERT, CLINICAL BERT, RoBERTa, BIO-MED RoBERTa, XLNET )
data set can for any language can be downloaded from this link. Training script is present with name _translation.ipynb, experiments can be done with different hyper parameter values for better result
_VIZ.ipynb comprises attention head visualizations through BERTVIZ library.