Problem Statement

All mid to small size private organizations, University and government departments have a lot of information for users/common people, but it becomes difficult to access specific information from the ton of data they have.​ ​

Although we know organizations build and put all their information on their websites, but at some point when the organization has grown to certain extent it becomes difficult or complicated for normal users to find specific information even on the website due to the large rune of information and data exposed on the website and it's also not very much possible for organizations to answer each individual's queries quickly as user's won't like their queries to be answered in a few days or hours via mail.​


We've come with a solution where we integrate the detailed information provided by an organization with LLM models like GPT-4 to provide relevant information to the user with ease.​

​ Organizations can feed their documentations to the bot in one go or with time, update the documentations to keep the bot updated, the bot will answer the query with specific and to the point answer without wasting any time of the user. ​ ​

They can access the bot directly from our site or the organization can in fact embed the bot on their website to make it even more accessible.​

For example, if we feed the information of MLH website then we can get relevant information without going through the website by the traditional way to find the document which may contain the information we are looking for.​


Link to the PPT :-!ArAm4XuLvwuHgXJD_HT4v99bgFf8?e=mATPkO

Link to the website :-

You can try out MLH bot :-

Team Members

Vishal Vishwajeet LinkedIn :-

Dhruv Pal LinkedIn :-