
Java project for converting fixed-column membership data to CSV files, adhering to client specifications, including data splitting by state and duplicate removal.

Primary LanguageJava


Java project for converting fixed-column membership data to CSV files, adhering to client specifications, including data splitting by state and duplicate removal.

Membership Data Conversion Project

This project is aimed at converting membership data from a fixed-column format to comma-separated-value (CSV) files, following specific client requirements. It includes functionalities to import data from an input file, process it, and export it to multiple CSV files split by state.

Project Structure

The project consists of the following components:

  1. src/main/java/com/smartdatasolutions/test: Contains the Java source code.
  2. Members.txt: Input file containing membership data in a fixed-column format.
  3. output: Directory to store the output CSV files.


Before running the project, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 or higher.
  • An IDE such as IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse.

How to Use

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the project in your preferred IDE.
  3. Ensure that the input file Members.txt is placed in the project root directory.
  4. Run the Main class located at src/main/java/com/smartdatasolutions/test/impl/Main.java.
  5. Once the program completes execution, check the output directory for the generated CSV files.

Explanation of Project Flow

  1. Importing Members: The MemberImporterImpl class reads data from the input file (Members.txt) and creates Member objects. It ensures that each line of the file is properly parsed to extract member information.

  2. Duplicate Removal: The Main class ensures that duplicate member records are removed before further processing. This is achieved by the getNonDuplicateMembers method.

  3. Splitting by State: After removing duplicates, the Main class splits the members by state using the splitMembersByState method. It creates separate lists of members for each state.

  4. Exporting to CSV: Finally, the Main class utilizes the MemberExporterImpl class to export the member data to CSV files. Each CSV file is named with a state prefix and contains member details in the required format.

Additional Notes

  • The project follows the SOLID principles and is modularized for ease of maintenance and testing.
  • Make sure to handle any exceptions that may occur during the execution of the program.
  • Feel free to extend or modify the project as per your requirements.

For any questions or issues, please contact [project owner/contact person].

SQL Queries

1. Total Claimed Charge of Exported Documents

Find the total claimed charge of the exported documents.

SELECT SUM(claimed_charge) AS total_claimed_charge 
FROM document 
WHERE status = 'EXPORTED';

2. Find insured_name, insured_address and claimed_charge for the documents that have status "TO_REPRICE" and customer id 1 and 2.

SELECT insured_name, insured_address, claimed_charge FROM document d
	JOIN batch b ON d.batch_id = b.id WHERE d.status = 'TO_REPRICE' AND b.customer_id IN (1, 2);