
database MasaiWeb

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to Dashboard_Backend

Project Name

Brief project description here.

Table of Contents

Project Overview

Provide a brief overview of the project, its purpose, and any key features.

Database Schema


  • userId: Primary key
  • profileImage: VARCHAR(20)
  • dob: DATE
  • graduation: DATE
  • work: BOOLEAN
  • adharcard: BOOLEAN
  • userName: VARCHAR(20) (Not null)
  • email: VARCHAR(20) (Not null)
  • phoneNumber: VARCHAR(20) (Not null)


  • courseId: Primary key
  • title: VARCHAR(20) (Not null)
  • startDate: DATE
  • courseTypes: ENUM (UXUI, WD, DA, AD)
  • batch: BOOLEAN
  • user_Id: INTEGER (References User)


  • msatId: Primary key
  • attempt: INTEGER
  • user_Id: INTEGER (References User)

MSAT Subsection

  • sub_sectionId: Primary key
  • sub_section_name: VARCHAR(20) (Not null)
  • msat_id: VARCHAR (References MSAT)
  • score: INTEGER


  • question_id: Primary key
  • question_text: VARCHAR(255) (Not null)
  • sub_sectionId: VARCHAR (References MSAT Subsection)


  • option_id: Primary key
  • option_text: VARCHAR(255) (Not null)
  • question_id: VARCHAR (References Question)
  • is_correct: BOOLEAN (Not null)


  • activitiesId: Primary key
  • type: BOOLEAN (webinar/master class)
  • photoUrl: VARCHAR
  • instructor_name: VARCHAR
  • startDate: DATETIME
  • endDate: DATETIME
  • register: BOOLEAN
  • vedioUrl: VARCHAR
  • zoomlink: VARCHAR
  • user_Id: INTEGER (References User)

API Endpoints

API Endpoints

List the available API endpoints and their descriptions here.


  • GET: Retrieve a list of users.
  • POST: Create a new user.


  • GET: Retrieve details of a specific user.
  • PUT: Update user details.
  • DELETE: Delete a user.


  • GET: Retrieve a list of courses.
  • POST: Create a new course.


  • GET: Retrieve details of a specific course.
  • PUT: Update course details.
  • DELETE: Delete a course.


  • GET: Retrieve a list of MSAT records.
  • POST: Create a new MSAT record.


  • GET: Retrieve details of a specific MSAT record.
  • PUT: Update MSAT record details.
  • DELETE: Delete an MSAT record.


  • GET: Retrieve a list of MSAT subsections.
  • POST: Create a new MSAT subsection.


  • GET: Retrieve details of a specific MSAT subsection.
  • PUT: Update MSAT subsection details.
  • DELETE: Delete an MSAT subsection.


  • GET: Retrieve a list of questions.
  • POST: Create a new question.


  • GET: Retrieve details of a specific question.
  • PUT: Update question details.
  • DELETE: Delete a question.


  • GET: Retrieve a list of options.
  • POST: Create a new option.


  • GET: Retrieve details of a specific option.
  • PUT: Update option details.
  • DELETE: Delete an option.


  • GET: Retrieve a list of activities.
  • POST: Create a new activity.


  • GET: Retrieve details of a specific activity.
  • PUT: Update activity details.
  • DELETE: Delete an activity.


List other API endpoints if applicable.


Provide instructions on how to run and use the project. Include any environment setup, dependencies, and startup commands.


Explain how others can contribute to the project if applicable.

Details UnderStanding

API Endpoints

This document provides details about the available API endpoints and their descriptions for your project.

User Routes

Register a New User

  • URL: /api/user/register
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Register a new user.
  • Request Body:
    • userName (string, required): User's username.
    • email (string, required): User's email address.
    • phoneNumber (string, required): User's phone number.
    • password (string, required): User's password.

User Login by email_OTP

  • URL: /api/user/login
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Log in a user.
  • Request Body:
    • email (string, required): User's email address.
    • OTP (string, required): User's password.

      After getting OTP pass otp as a query to same endpoints => /api/user/login?otp="otp that user entered"

Login by Mobile Number

  • URL: /api/user/login-by-number
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Log in using a mobile number.
  • Query Parameters:
    • mobile (string, required): User's mobile number.

Verify OTP

  • URL: /api/user/verify
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Verify OTP for login.
  • Request Body:
    • mobile (string, required): User's mobile number.
    • otp (string, required): OTP for verification.

Logout User

  • URL: /api/user/logout
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Log out the authenticated user.
  • Authentication: Requires user authentication.

Get User Details

  • URL: /api/user/details
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Get details of the authenticated user.
  • Authentication: Requires user authentication.

Add details of User

  • URL: /api/user/addDetails
  • Method: Post
  • Description: Adds details about user like name and profile picture, profileImage,dob,graduation,work,adharcard,userName,email,phoneNumber post the authenticated user.
  • Request body :

Update User Profile

  • URL: /api/user/profile
  • Method: PATCH
  • Description: Update the authenticated user's profile.
  • Authentication: Requires user authentication.
  • Request Body:
    • Include fields that can be updated (e.g., userName, email, phoneNumber, etc.).

Course Routes

Create a New Course

  • URL: /api/course
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Create a new course.
  • Request Body:
    • title (string, required): Course title.
    • startDate (date): Course start date.
    • courseTypes (enum: UXUI, WD, DA, AD): Course types.
    • batch (boolean): Batch information.
  • Authentication: Requires user authentication.

MSAT Routes

Create an MSAT Record

  • URL: /api/msat
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Create a new MSAT record.
  • Request Body:
    • Include required fields for creating an MSAT record.
  • Authentication: Requires user authentication.

Get All MSAT Records

  • URL: /api/msat
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve a list of all MSAT records.

Calculate MSAT Score

  • URL: /api/msat/score
  • Method: PATCH
  • Description: Calculate the MSAT score.
  • Authentication: Requires user authentication.

Get User's MSAT Score

  • URL: /api/msat/user-score
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Get the MSAT score of the authenticated user.
  • Authentication: Requires user authentication.

Tech Stack

  • Nodejs
  • express
  • sequelize
  • MySQL
  • nodemailer
  • jwt
