
Compile script for Openblas and Android binaries

Primary LanguageC++


./compand all

Run just for spesific architectures

./compand arm64-v8a x86_64

armeabi armv7a arm64-v8a mips mips64 x86 x86_64

##How to build test executable and test on device Assuming you build openblas and all its files are inside output folder.
Go to test/jni folder and open terminal and run

    export NDKROOT=`locate ndk-bundle | head -n 1` ;

(if you want binaries for 64bits use ${NDKROOT}/ndk-build NDK_APPLICATION_MK=Application21.mk )
It should leave executable binaries in test/libs folder named testblas.x PLug your device and copy appropriate exec file with adb. Assuming you cd to directory where exe file resides

 ${NDKROOT}/../platform-tools/adb push testblas.x /data/local/tmp/

Next you should open shell

  ${NDKROOT}/../platform-tools/adb shell

Inside that shell

  cd /data/local/tmp
  chmod 755 testblas.x 