
Clone from https://demo.templatemonster.com/demo/441227.html 1. Blog Listing 2. Contact Us

Primary LanguageTypeScript

👋 EComposer - Vishal Kumawat (AI2680)

📸 Project Screenshots

1. Blog Listing Page


2. Contact Us Page


Project Documentaion

1. Components Listing

E-Composer is a web application that provides users 2 pages

  1. Blog Listing Page
  2. Contact Us Page

The Blog Listing Page is having following Components

  1. Hero Section
  2. News Letter
  3. Fashion Section
  4. Spotlight Section
  5. Lifestyle Section

The Contact Us Page is having following Components

  1. Hero Cards
  2. Help Desk
  3. Popular Asked Questions
  4. Any other questions
  5. Footer

2. Main Features

2.1 PWA ( Progressive Web App )

  • PWA is a web application that can be installed on the user's device and run offline.
  • It provides a native app-like experience to the user, with features such as push notifications, offline access, and app-like navigation.
  • vite-plugin-pwa is used for PWA and assets-generator for icons.
  "vite-plugin-pwa": "^0.20.5",
  "@vite-pwa/assets-generator": "^0.2.6",

2.2 TailwindCSS + Responsive Design

  • TailwindCSS is a utility-first CSS framework that allows you to build custom designs quickly and easily.
  • It provides a set of pre-built classes that can be used to style HTML elements, making it easy to create responsive designs.
  • TailwindCSS is used for styling and responsive design.
  "tailwindcss": "^3.4.13",
  "autoprefixer": "^10.4.20",
  "postcss": "^8.4.47",

2.3 TypeScript (TS)

  • TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing to the language. It is a popular choice for building large-scale applications with JavaScript.
  • TypeScript provides a way to catch errors early and improve code quality at compile time.
  • Industry standard of TypeScript is used for the project.
  "typescript": "^5.5.3",
  "typescript-eslint": "^8.0.1",

2.4 Error Boundary (React Error Boundary)

  • Error Boundary is a React component that catches errors in its child components and renders a fallback UI.
  • It provides a way to handle errors gracefully and prevent them from crashing the entire application.
  • Individual components are wrapped with the Error Boundary component to handle errors gracefully.
  "react-error-boundary": "^4.0.13",

2.5 React Router

  • React Router is a popular library for handling routing in React applications.
  • It provides a way to define routes and navigate between them, making it easy to create complex navigation structures.
  "react-router-dom": "^6.26.2",

2.6 HeroSection Annimations

  • useAnnimations is a custom hook that triggers the animation on the component.
  • Annimations are triggred on components mounting and unmounting , for both Blog Listing Page and Contact Us Page.
  • After triggering the animation, the component is rendered with the animation using the transition-transform property from TailwindCSS.

3. Approaches Used while Development

3.1 Context API

  • Context API is a feature in React that allows you to share data between components without passing props down the tree.
  • Not used Redux or any other state management library because the data is static and not dynamic.
  • For synonymous data handling, Context API is a good choice , and also a inbuild feature in React.
  • Used in Blog Listing Page and Contact Us Page.
  • Blog Listing Page - Fetching the data from BlogContext and rendering the component.
  • Contact Us Page - Fetching the data from ContactContext and rendering the component.

3.2 Custom Hooks

  • Custom Hooks are functions that let you reuse stateful logic between components.
  • Used in Blog Listing Page.
  • Blog Listing Page - Fetching the data from useFetchBlogData hook and rendering the component.
  • useFetchBlogData hook - Filters the data based on the display and banner type.
  • useAnnimation hook - triggers the animation on the component.
  • useFetchBlogData , useAnnimation hook - Fetching the data from the API and rendering the component.

3.3 Routes HOC (Higher Order Component)

  • Routes HOC is a higher-order component that allows you to define routes and navigate between them.
  • Used in Blog Listing Page and Contact Us Page.
  • Two types - Public HOC and Private HOC.
  • Public HOC - Checks if the user is logged in and on the auth route, redirects to home, else renders children.
  • Private HOC - Checks if the user is logged in and on the auth route, renders children, else redirects to login.
  • Assumes that user is logged in ( isUser = true ).

3.5 Memorization Techniques

  • Memorization Techniques are techniques used to improve the performance of a system by reducing the number of operations required to perform a task.
  • useMemo is used in useFetchBlogData hook to memoize the data to avoid unnecessary re-renders.
  • React.Memo is used in some components which are only dependent on props to memoize the data to avoid unnecessary re-renders.

3.6 Clean Code + Best Practices

  • Clean Code is a set of principles and guidelines for writing clean and maintainable code.
  • Code is break down into small functions and components for maintainability and reusability.
  • Camel Case Naming Convention - Used for variable, function.
  • Capital Letters for mock data variables.
  • Pascal Case Naming Convention - Used for type, interface.
  • Comment is also added to eash function and component for better understanding.

Installation Guide

1. Clone this Repo

git clone https://github.com/vishal-kumawat-appinventiv/e-composer-AI2680

2. Install Dependencies

npm install

3. Run the App

npm run dev

4. Build Command

npm run build

5. Preview Command

npm run preview


Thanku for Reading 😎

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  • If you have any suggestions or improvements, please feel free to create an issue or pull request.