Running Az and Kubectl

Running Az from Git Bash on windows

There are several issues in running Azure CLI 2.0 tool from git bash:

  • Install python
  • Install Az tool
  • python 2.7 is not automatically added to PATH. python 3 does have an option to automatically be added to the PATH
  • Az is not added to the PATH. Also az is not an exe. But rather a bash script. So the path that needs to be added is of a bash script "az" file.
  • After all this, when running az it displays an error "module azure not found"

Note: The above issues are only for git bash. If you run from Azure command prompt it should run just fine. But I want to keep using git bash (mainly for 2 reasons: unix tools and fira code)

According to the azure cli team, they don't officially support running az cli from git bash :(. See github issue here


Things to know:

  • Az is a tool to manage azure resources.
  • Kubectl is a tool to interact with kubernetes cluster.
  • We need Az to create a kubernetes cluster on AKS and Kubectl to create resources on that cluster
  • In order for kubectl to connect to a kubernetes cluster it needs a config file containing the cluster context. This file can be auto populated with use of Az tool.
  • Kubectl runs just fine from Git bash.

So here is a solution:

  • Run Az inside a docker container
  • Install Kubectl inside the container
  • Create kubernetes cluster using Az tool
  • Update the kubectl config file with context of the newly created cluster using Az tool
  • Copy the config file from the container to your host
  • Use Kubectl from localhost

The benefit we get out of running Kubectl from localhost is that now we can run a proxy to access the kubernetes cluster dashboard. This cannot be done from inside the container without some docker network setting.


Note: For windows, make sure to go to docker settings and select the shared drive of your choice to be made available to the container. In this case I have chosen "C:" drive.

  • winpty docker run -v C:\Users\vishal:/root -it microsoft/azure-cli
  • az aks install-cli (this will install kubectl)
  • az aks get-credentials -n <cluster-name> -g <resourcegroup-name> (this will update the kubectl config file located at ~/.kube/config)
  • Exit out of the container
  • docker cp container-name:/root/.kube/config ~/.kube/config (this will copy kubectl config from the container to the host machine)
  • Run kubectl get nodes to retrieve nodes from the cluster
  • To access the kubernetes dashboard run kubectl proxy