Kaiburr - Task-1


  • Java
  • Maven
  • Spring Boot (Framework)
  • MongoDB


  • spring-boot-starter-web
  • spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb

Accessing APIs

Using Postman

Checkout the postman Collection documentation

Building steps

As I have only whitelisted my IP Address in MongoDB, this will not work for you.

  1. Open the folder /Task_1 in your IDE ( I used IntelliJ).

  2. Open the file Task_1/src/main/java/com/vishal/kaiburr/KaiburrApplication.java.

  3. CLick on the RUN button or SHift + F10. This will start the server.

Rest API Endpoints:

  • GET servers by Id http://localhost:8080/server?id={id} Response contains a JSON of server object with provided id.

  • GET servers by Name http://localhost:8080/server?name={name} Response contains a JSON of all server objects with provided name.

  • GET all servers when no parameter is provided http://localhost:8080/server Response contains a JSON of all server objects.

  • PUT a server http://localhost:8080/server Accept server object in body in json format. This updates the object if it already exist or else add as a new object in the database.

  • DELETE server http://localhost:8080/server?id=3 Deletes a server object with provided ID.


delete server by Id

Get all servers

Get server by Id

Get server by Name

Put server

Connect with me on twitter or linkedIn in case if you need any clarification