This bot uses the RPC node to detect pending transactions from a contract. When the contract owner attempts to add liquidity, this bot will auto buy before any other transactions, while the liquidy is pending. It's been tested on VM's, local machines and on servers and it runs super well.
I will be optimizing this going forward with enhancements. It's free right now but at some point in the near future I may lock it to be subscription or once off payment based.
Download the repo with
git clone
cd eth-bsc-sniperbot
Then edit env.json and save your changes
"PRIVATE_KEY": "REPLACEME with your private key",
"YOUR_ADDRESS": "REPLACEME with your address that will buy",
"NODE": "", //replace with another node or leave this one here
"TOKEN": "CONTRACTTOSNIPEADDRESSHERE", //replace with the contract address you wish to snipe
"presale": "true", //if the snipe is presale or not
"INVESTMENT": "BNB OR ETHER VALUE HERE", //replace with the number with decimals such as 0.01 or 5.1 etc. The currency ETHER or BNB is determined by which node, if you use a BSC node you will be paying in BNB here
"GASLIMIT": "1000000", //custom gas limit
"GWEI": "5",
"AUTOSELL": "TRUE", //if true then the bot will detect profits and sell for you
"AUTOSELLPERCENT": "110", //set the % profit to sell at
"STOPLOSSPERCENT": "5", //Pecentage stop loss
"SELLTOKENSIN-STAGES-X": "TRUE", //If you want only a portion to sell when auto sell percentage is hit, IF ITS YES THEN IT SELLS 3 TIMES, First time is based on Autosell percent
"SELLSTAGES-X2": "300", //Second sell is based on this % increase
"SELLSTAGES-X3": "500", //Third sell is based on this % increase
"HONEYPOTCHECK": "TRUE", //if honeypot detection is on or off
"MINLIQ": "1", //contract must have this amount of liq at minimum such as 1 eth or 1 bnb
"MAXLIQ": "150" //contract must have this amount of liq at maximum such as 100 eth or 100 bnb
"PRESALE": "false",
"GASLIMIT": "1000000",
"GWEI": "5",
"SELLSTAGES-X3": "10",
"MINLIQ": "1",
"MAXLIQ": "100"
Run Powershell or a terminal
npm i
node app.js
First install nodejs and NPM on your mac which allows node apps and node package managers to run
Then when you have both installed, here's you get the bot running:
Download the file from the github link either using the git clone command or just using this direct link to download a zip file of the bot
Extract the zip file to your folder
Open the file called env.json and edit it with your settings, your wallet address/key /token to snipe etc
Then the bot files are ready and you just need to run the commands in a terminal. Here's a guide on how to open the terminal in the right folder on your mac
After the terminal is open in the bot folder, run
npm install
which will install the files needed to run this bot, such as etherjs , bignumber js etc -
After that just run the command
node app.js
to run the bot and wait for it to finish
NOTE: Some users reported an error on first time running, just repeat the node app.js command to run a second time until it's success message showing before a buy
Tags: binance smart chain sniper bot Mempool sniper Pcs sniper Pancakeswap Ethereum sniper Dxsale sniper Snipe bot 2022 sniper