
PrObeD:Proactive Object Detection Wrapper

Official Pytorch implementation of Neurips 2023 paper "PrObeD:Proactive Object Detection Wrapper".

Vishal Asnani, Abhinav Kumar, Suya You, Xiaoming Liu

Paper + Supplementary

alt text


Please look at the environment.yaml file for setting up the environment.

Getting Started


  • We use multiple datasets in our paper. For generic object detection (GOD), we use MS-COCO 2017. For camouflaged object detection (COD), we use CAMO, COD10K, and NC4K
  • Please download the datasets from the above links and pepare them according to the requirements of differennt object detector.


  • We incorporate our wrapper on the official implementation of all the detectors. Please refer to the official repositories for all the detectors as mentioned in the papers.
  • We show the training code for Faster R-CNN (GOD detector) and DGNet (COD detector) incorporating our detector.

Faster R-CNN

  • Please download the Faster R-CNN repository from here.
  • Setup the code and data according to the official repository instructions.
  • We change the training code with
python --dataset coco --net res101 --bs 8 --nw 1 --lr 0.000001 --lr_decay_step 4 --cuda 


  • Please download the DGNet repository pytorch version from here.
  • Setup the code and data according to the official repository instructions.
  • We change the training code with
python --gpu_id 0 --model DGNet

Pre-trained model

The pre-trained model for Faster R-CNN and DGNet can be downloaded from below:

Model Link
Faster-RCNN Model
DGNet Coming soon!!

Testing using pre-trained models

  • Download the pre-trained model using the above links.
  • Download the evaluation toolbox for COD here.
  • Provide the model path in the code
  • Run the code as shown below:

Faster R-CNN

python --dataset coco --net res101 --cuda --model_path "MODEL PATH" 


Run the below command to generate and save the loca;ization maps.

python --gpu_id 0 --model DGNet --model_path "MODEL PATH" 

After this, run the evaluation script with the paths of validation data ground-truth and savd predcition to estimate and print all the metrics.


Sample pseudo code on how to use our wrapper with any detector

Coming soon!!

If you would like to use our work, please cite:

  title={PrObeD: Proactive Object Detection Wrapper},
  author={Asnani, Vishal and Kumar, Abhinav and You, Suya and Liu, Xiaoming},
  booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},