
How to add nodejs server using express and mlab cloud

Primary LanguageHTML


How to run

  • node server.js - to run server
  • navigate to localhost:3000

What else in this demo

  • Start with minimal package.json- "npm init"
  • create first server file - "touch server.js"
  • you can run your server - "Node server.js"
  • Used Express for server communication - Get/Post/Send file/
  • Used nodeman package to refresh server itself with any change in server file
    • How to add local package as dev dependecy, how to include a command in script to run server with local package
  • Used body-parser to parse html form content
  • Used mongo db for database, & Used mlab (mongolab-https://mlab.com/) for having db on cloud as service - it was not working with office vpn on.
  • Used Embedded JS for template engine