- Running Multiple spring boot service at Localhost: - DONE
- Use Components: API GAteway (Spring Cloud), load balancer (ribbon and GW), circuit breaker(resillience4j; hysterix), feign clients - DONE
- docerize all environments + use docker -compose - DONE
- Aceess all APIs using containers - DONE
- Actuator + ELK STack for monitoring
- Oauth2 for auth
- Docker volument & * MongoDB configuration on cloud
- Eurkea
- API GW to NoticeService to User Service
Hello world From User5003 : 6001 notice-mnagement-service-instace: 1
- API GW to Notice service
Hello world:60012
- API GW to user service
Hello world:5003
- http://localhost:6001/noticsmgmts/noticeboards/Hello
- http://localhost:5003/usermgmts/helloboards/Hello
- Complete compose file
- docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml up
- one service in compose file
- docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml up notice-management-service