
GitHub User Explorer simplifies GitHub exploration with intuitive user search, detailed profiles, and customizable repository listings. Switch themes, set preferences, and effortlessly navigate repositories for a seamless GitHub experience.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  1. Search for GitHub users by their username:

    • Use the search bar to find GitHub users quickly.
    • Clear feedback for cases where the user is not found.
  2. See relevant user information:

    • Display comprehensive user details like, twitter_username, repositories etc.
  3. List all repositories of the user:

    • Paginate through a complete list of user repositories.
    • Select the number of repositories per page (from 10 to 100) using a dropdown.
  4. Switch between light and dark themes:

    • Toggle between light and dark themes for a personalized experience.
  5. View optimal layout based on screen size:

    • Responsive design adapts to various device screen sizes.
    • Mobile-friendly layout for smaller screens.
  6. Customize number of repositories per page:

    • Select the desired number of repositories per page using a dropdown (10 to 100).
    • User preferences persisted for a seamless experience.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Open index.html in your web browser.
  3. Start exploring GitHub users and their repositories!