link of deployed website:

for rating:

for finding Aggregated rating

for checking cummulative rating 0 - if you are driver, 1 - if you are customer

Step to run project"

  • clone repository
  • npm install
  • node server.js

database Schema:

const ratingSchema = {

username: {
    type: String,
    required: true,
   unique: true
ratingCount:  {
    type: Number,
    required: true,
totalRating: {
    type: Number,
    required: true,


*database is deployed at mongodb-Atlas

in this database ,2 collection (customerrating and driverrating)


user is not authenticated so we don't have username of customer and driver so manually enter the username of whom user is rating either customer or driver.

if user is rating to driver then input 0 in input field of rated to similarly 1 if driver is rating to customer in second field input the username of whomw you rating in third fild enter the rating out of 5


Created 2 separate collectioin for store rating of customer and driver seperatly. ignoring that user can't check who gives rating. Added a filed whom you rating according to that data will store in that collection and at time of fetch user can simply fetch data.