ImgGen Backend


A Spring application that serves as the backend for the angular frontend. This serves as a customized intermediate between the angular frontend and OpenAI/Stability AI servers.

Install the following

  1. Maven -

Environmental keys (Important)

  • Put your OpenAI key in a file named bmc.env in the same folder as this README. The structure of the bmc.env file is :-
  • The backend will not be able to communicate with the OpenAI servers without the API key.

Running the file

This project uses Maven as it's build tool. It was tested using Adoptium Termurin OpenJDK, but should work on any JDK.

Open the file in any IDE like or IntelliJ Ideai or VSCode (with the Extension Pack for Java installed). It has a main function which you can run.

  1. In the backend-ImgGen folder, run mvnw spring-boot:run

The file has the main function which will run the app.

Files and their functions

Refer to comments in the JavaDoc format written with each file and the important functions they contain.