
Academic project completed as part of Network Security course at Stony Brook University - Spring 2015.

Primary LanguageC

This is the README file for the antivirus implemented
by the team 'NetCop' as a part of the Network Security
course at Stony Brook University. Please note that this
version of SW is only compatible with Linux 12.04, 3.13


The use of this SW requires installation of the some
packages that can be installed with the below commands:

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

After these packages have been installed successfully,
to build the source of this antivirus SW, run the below


After make is successfully done, run the below command to
install the antivirus SW on your machine:

	sudo make install

Note that the above requires sudo permission.


After successful installation of the SW, you can use the
antivirus utility as described here. It has two options:
a scan option and an update option. The scan option enables
the user to scan a file or a folder containing files for
viruses. The command to be used is of the format:

	antivirus -scan [FILE]

	antivirus -scan [FOLDER]

The update option enables the user to update the antivirus
configuration options for latest virus updates. The update
option requires that the user has sudo permissions. The
command to be used is:

	sudo antivirus -update