The Flight Fare Prediction App is a Streamlit web application that uses deep learning and machine learning to provide real-time flight fare predictions. This repository contains the application's code, models object, and the necessary preprocessing components.
├── models/ # Directory for trained models.
│ ├── best_model/ # Contains the best performing model artifacts for Ronik's XGBRegressor model.
│ ├── best_model_Shivatmak/ # Shivatmak's LSTM model artifacts.
│ ├── best_model-vishal_raj/ # Vishal Raj's Wide and Deep model artifacts.
│ ├── best_model_aibarna/ # Aibarna's Random Forest Regressor model artifacts.
├── preprocessor and mappings/ # Directory for data preprocessing and mappings.
│ ├── avg_features_dl.csv # Average features for deep learning model.
│ ├── category_mappings_dl.joblib # Mappings for categorical data preprocessing for deep learning model.
│ ├── mapped_average_values_ronik.csv # Mapped average values for Ronik's XGBRegressor model.
│ ├── preprocessor_dl.joblib # Preprocessor for deep learning model input.
├── src/
│ ├── data/ # Scripts for data preprocessing.
│ ├── # Script for DL model preprocessing input data.
│ ├── # Script for ML model data preprocessing.
├── .gitattributes
├── # Streamlit application.
├── requirements.txt # Required libraries to run the app.
Before running the app, you will need to have Python installed on your system. The app has been tested on Python 3.8+.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Navigate to the cloned directory.
- Install the required dependencies using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the app, execute the following command in the terminal:
streamlit run
This will start the Streamlit server and the app will be available in your web browser at the local address provided by Streamlit.
Follow the on-screen instructions on the web application to input the required flight details and get fare predictions.
We welcome contributions to improve the app. If you have suggestions or improvements, please fork the repository and create a pull request.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license - see the LICENSE file for details.
A big thank you to our team members who have contributed their models and preprocessing expertise to this app:
- Vishal Raj: Wide and Deep Neural Network model, preprocessing and mappings for dl models
- Shivatmak: LSTM model
- Ronik: XGBRegressor model, preprocessing and mappings for ml models
- Aibarna: Random Forest Regressor model
Their hard work and dedication have made this tool what it is.
If you have any questions or want to discuss the app further, please open an issue in this repository.