This is a simple demonstration on how to use GraphQL to query and mutate data.
The following stack has been used
- NodeJS
- Express
- create-react-app
- mongo
- mongo-express
- docker
Docker has been used so this project can run on any machine which supports docker Four docker services have been defined in docker-compose.yml
- mongo: The main mongodb image which will used as source of data
- mongo-express: This is a browser based GUI to explore data stored in mongo
- server: A NodeJS based simple graphql server
- client: A NodeJS based simple graphql client
To start using the application, you need to start three docker container
- docker-compose up mongoDB
- docker-compose up --build graphqlServer
- docker-compose up --build graphqlClient
Optionally you may also star the docker container to explore the mongodb
docker-compose up mongo-express
Once all the docker container start without any error, visit http://localhost:3000/
NOTE: The application is in basic state, without any check for non-existance of entity, duplicity or otherwise.