
Various scripts/nagios checks written for Xenserver

Primary LanguageShell

Various Xenserver scripts/nagios checks written for Directi(http://directi.com)

Description:Most of the scripts were written to be used with Nagios to check Xenserver system metrics

## check_3ware.sh
checks the RAID status of a 3ware controller . Uses the 3dm2/tw_cli utility to achieve this. The script also checks the status of a BBU if attached

checks a Xenserver Storage Repository for disk utilization. The supported format is a LVM based Local Storage

checks for I/O on /dev/sdb using iostat -x -m $disk and graphs the output to Groundworks 

checks for all VM's currently running on a system 

creates a snapshot of every running VM on a system.Can be run as a cron for a daily/weekly snapshots

##delete snapshot.sh
deletes existing snapshots on a system.Ideal usage is with the above script to have rotating copies of snapshots