
Primary LanguageJavaScript

OpenTable NodeJS Mesos Workshop

This is a step by step guide to writing a simple NodeJS HTTP application ready for deployment on OpenTable's Mesos Platform. We will be using Docker, Mesos and Singularity to build the app.

You will need:

  • docker (On Mac the easiest way to get this is to install the Docker Toolbox)
  • node

Step 1: Set up your git repo for success

$ mkdir hello-mesos && cd hello-mesos
$ git init
$ npm init -y

Now add your .editorconfig, .npmrc, and .gitignore files as they are in this repo. You should also add a README.md. Your repo should now look like this...

$ tree .
├── .editorconfig
├── .gitignore   
├── .npmrc       
├── README.md    
└── package.json 

Step 2: Hello, HAPI

Install hapi, the HTTP API library we will be using for this example.

$ npm install --save hapi

The --save adds a dependency to your package.json, which we will commit with this step.

Now, let's write a very simple HTTP app. See the file app.js. To run it, do:

$ node app.js
Server running at: http://localhost:3000

Open another terminal window and do:

$ curl http://localhost:3000
Hello, HAPI.

OK, back in the original window, press Ctrl+C to send an interrupt (SIGINT) and kill the app.

Step 3: Environment decides the host and port

Because Mesos controls both which host agent your app will run on, and which TCP port it needs to listen on, you need to respect two environment variables related to this: TASK_HOST and PORT0. In fact, you can request a number of ports from Mesos, and you will be provided with PORT0, PORT1, PORT2, etc.

So, add the following lines at the start of app.js:

var TASK_HOST = process.env.TASK_HOST;
var PORT0 = process.env.PORT0;

// Exit immediately if either TASK_HOST or PORT0 are not provided.
if (!TASK_HOST) { console.log("TASK_HOST not set"); process.exit(3); }
if (!PORT0)     { console.log("PORT0 not set"); process.exit(3); }

And change the line

server.connection({host: "localhost", port: 3000});`


server.connection({host: TASK_HOST, port: PORT0})

Now, in order to start the app, you will need to provide values for each of these, e.g.

$ TASK_HOST=localhost PORT0=3000 node app.js

Step 4: Dockerfile -> Docker image -> Docker container

Now we have a working application, let's add a Dockerfile which is a recipe for building a Docker image:

FROM docker.otenv.com/ot-node-4.2.3:latest

MAINTAINER Your Name <username@opentable.com>

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/node", "app.js"]

Now, you can build a docker image by issuing the docker build command. You use the -t option to "tag" your image, giving it a name you can refer to it by later.

$ docker build -t hello-mesos .

Assuming all built ok, you can now create a Docker container (which is a running instance of an image) by issuing the docker run command:

$ docker run hello-mesos

If you have followed up to this point, that docker run command ought to fail, saying TASK_HOST not set. So, we can try passing in the environment variables using the special docker run -e option:

$ docker run -e TASK_HOST=localhost -e PORT0=3000 hello-mesos

Your task will now run, however, if you now try to curl to that address in another terminal window, you will get an error:

$ curl http://localhost:3000
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 3000: Connection refused

Furthermore when you try to Ctrl+C to exit your app, it will probably not respond, just printing ^C^C^C^C^C^C^C etc. This is because something funky is going on since node 4 (not Node 5 as this GitHub issue states).

So, in another pane, run docker ps to view your running containers, and identify the container ID (first column) of your failing container. Then kill it using:

docker kill <ContainerID>

In order to make Ctrl+C work again, you need to add explicit signal handlers that will cause your app to exit when it receives SIGINT (the signal sent by Ctrl+C). And whilst we're doing that, we will also add a handler for SIGTERM which is the signal Mesos uses to tell your app to stop when needed.

Open up your app.js and insert the following two lines at the start of the file:

process.on("SIGINT", function() { console.log("Caught SIGINT"); process.exit(0); });
process.on("SIGTERM", function() { console.log("Caught SIGTERM"); process.exit(0); });

Since you edited the source code, you will need to rebuild your docker image using the same command as last time.

Now when you run your container with docker run, Ctrl+C will work as expected, however, we still need to deal with not being able to connect to our container.

4.5 Docker Networking

This is where things get interesting. Docker, by default, uses "bridge" networking, where each container gets its own network stack that is bridged to the host's network stack. This means your container gets its own IP address, and its own loopback and thus localhost means local to the container itself. This problem is resolved by telling the container to share its host's networking stack, and thus share the same IP address and localhost. This is done with the --net=host option:

$ docker run --net=host -e TASK_HOST=localhost -e PORT0=3000 hello-mesos

However, if you are using Docker Machine, you have another problem. That is because Docker Machine runs Docker inside a virtual machine (VM), with a different host name, IP address, and networking stack than your Mac. So now your container is using the same networking stack as that VM. It's one step closer, but still not accessible.

To fix this, we need to tell our app to listen on the IP address of the Docker Machine VM. You can find this by typing:


Now, whatever IP address you see there, you can use as your TASK_HOST e.g.:

$ docker run --net=host -e TASK_HOST= PORT0=3000 hello-mesos

Finally, running a curl in another window, you will be able to access your application:

$ curl
Hello, HAPI.

You have conquered a few fiddly hurdles of the local Docker workflow, give yourself a pat on the back.

Step 5: Push your docker image

Now we have a working image, let's distribute it so that we can eventually deploy it into one of our Mesos clusters.

In order to push a docker image to a remote registry, it needs to be tagged with that registry's address. At OpenTable we use docker.otenv.com as our primary registry (this is mirrored to the regions, more on that later).

$ docker tag hello-mesos docker.otenv.com/<username>/hello-mesos

Now if you run docker images you should see this image in the list. Push it to the registry by doing:

$ docker push docker.otenv.com/<username>/hello-mesos

Step 6: Manually deploy using Singularity

As a learning exercise, we will now deploy this app manually using Singularity. You will notice that the deploy fails "OVERDUE". This is because you do not yet have a /health endpoint, so Singularity believes your app is unhealthy, and kills it.

Step 7: Adding a /health endpoint

In order to get our deploy to stick, we need to add a /health endpoint to our app. This is a way of signalling to Singularity that the application has started successfully. A better name for it might be "startup-complete" but it's historically been called "health" so we'll stick with that for now.

Edit your app.js to add the following lines before your server.start:

server.route({method: "GET", path: "/health", handler: function(request, reply) {
  reply("I've started up successfully!\n");

Now if you re-build your app and try to re-deploy, it should start and keep running.

NOTE: Because we are not adding version tags to our app, it always gets tagged with "latest" automatically by Docker. That's fine for local development, but can cause issues when deploying, since Docker will not re-pull your new "latest" if it already has an image tagged "latest". Therefore, you will find it beneficial to tag your app with an incrementing number each time you build, and make sure you specify that tag when you deploy, to ensure you get the latest version of your app in Mesos.

Step 8: otpl-deploy-scripts

As we all know, deploying manually is a very bad idea, since it is subject to variability and is difficult to repeat the same way twice. In order to automate out deployments, we have a tool called otpl-deploy-scripts which can read configuration in your repo, and perform the Singularity deploy step automatically.

So, we will clone github.com/opentable/otpl-deploy-scripts and add its bin directory to our path to test our deployment configuration locally, and later add a TeamCity build to run the deploy for us.

otpl-deploy-scripts uses a subset of the Singularity API to create requests (which are buckets into which deployments of an app are made) and the deployments themselves. You can view the API docs by going to a Singularity instance in your browser and clicking the link at the top of the page.

First, let's create our request object to deploy to our qa-sf cluster.

$ mkdir -p config/pp-sf
$ touch config/pp-sf/singularity-request.json
$ touch config/pp-sf/singularity.json
$ echo username/hello-mesos > docker-repo

# ... edit the first two files

# singularity-request.json is a partial SingularityRequest object
$ cat config/pp-sf/singularity-request.json
  "id": "hello-mesos-<username>",
  "owners": ["<username>@opentable.com"],
  "daemon": true,
  "rackSensitive": false,
  "loadBalanced": false,
  "instances": 2

# singularity.json is a partial SingularityDeploy object
$ cat config/pp-sf/singularity.json
  "requestId": "hello-mesos-<username>",
  "resources": {
    "cpus": 0.01,
    "memoryMb": 32,
    "numPorts": 1

Once you've finished, you can now try to deploy. Make sure you're in the root of your project, and enter:

$ otpl-deploy pp-sf <tag>

Where <tag> is either latest if you're gambling with which version gets deployed, or whatever you tagged your desired release image as.

Step 9: Service Discovery

Now we have the app deployed, but finding it requires using the Singularity UI to locate the host and port. So, let's add a service discovery library to handle announcing our app to the rest of the datacentre so it can be found.

NOTE: You must ensure that you never announce a locally-running service to any discovery server. Whilst the discovery server itself will simply ignore any unreachable announcements it receives, it is still bad practice to make them in the first place.

First, let's install the hapi-service-discovery library and save that fact in our package.json:

npm install --save hapi-service-discovery

So, open up your app.js, and change the server.start call to the following: add the following block to configure your service discovery client, somewhere before your server.start:

// Default to development mode if OT_ENV is not set.
var NODE_ENV = process.env.OT_ENV || "development";

var discoveryHost = "discovery-pp-sf.otenv.com";
var homeRegionName = "pp-sf";
var serviceUri = "http://" + TASK_HOST + ":" + PORT0;
var serviceType = "hello-mesos-vuderani";

  register: require("hapi-service-discovery"),
    options: {
      host: discoveryHost,
      homeRegionName: homeRegionName,
	    serviceType: serviceType,
	    serviceUri: serviceUri,
	    onError: function(err) {
		    console.log("Discovery error: " + err)
  server.start(function(err) {
    if (err) { throw err; }
    console.log("Server running at:", server.info.uri);

    // Only announce if we are not in development mode.
    if(NODE_ENV !== "development") {
    	server.plugins["hapi-service-discovery"].announce(function () {
        	console.log("ANNOUNCED " + serviceType + "@" + serviceUri + " to " + discoveryHost);
    } else {
      console.log("Not announcing, as running in development mode.");

So, build, push, and then deploy your docker image. It should now be announcing, and you can see the announcements at http://discovery-pp-sf.otenv.com. Obviously, hard-coding the discoveryHost as we did above is not a good idea in general, as it makes your image non-portable.