
Multi Node Cluster Setup

STEPS to perform on all nodes


  • Ubuntu (preferably 22.04)

Install Docker

  • To install docker on your machine. You can follow the steps here or use the script

  • use docker run hello-world to check if docker installation went through successfully

Note: If you ran the install_docker script, you need to log out and log back in to reflect latest changes.

Install JAVA

  • Use the script to install the openJDK latest java version
  • Run sudo update-alternatives --config java to list java installations
  • Run sudo vi /etc/environmentsand set JAVA_HOME to the output from previous command as follows: JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64"

Install Openwhisk

  • get the enviroment files (called moc) from (here)[vishalvrv9/slsfs-setup/moc].
  • run the openwhisk_install script to retrieve pre-configured openwhisk. (NOTE: The rest of the script is expected to fail at this point)
  • go to /openwhisk/ansible/environments/mocand edit the host file with hosts required for invokers, schedulers, kafkas, etc.
  • run the openwhisk script again to successfully install openwhisk