
created todolist using django framework

Primary LanguagePython

Todo list using Django

  • clone the repository

  • run the following command in your terminal

    python manage.py runserver
  • checkout my project

Installation of Django

  • run the following command in your terminal
	pip3 install Django
$ virtualenv project-env
$ source project-env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r https://raw.githubusercontent.com/juanifioren/django-project-template/master/requirements.txt

# You may want to change the name `projectname`.
$ django-admin startproject --template https://github.com/juanifioren/django-project-template/archive/master.zip projectname

$ cd projectname/
$ cp settings_custom.py.edit settings_custom.py
$ python manage.py migrate
$ python manage.py runserver

Installation of Django on Mac

  • open your terminal

virtualenv installation on mac

  • run following command
  sudo pip install virtualenv
  • Okay, after installing, we need to create a virtual environment. Now you will create this folder when you are putting your other projects. Mine is desktop >> code folder. So navigate to that and type the following command. In my case, My virtualenv folder name is virtualen
  virtualenv thanos
  • Okay, so it will install the required folders. Now, go into that folder
  cd virtualenv
  • Now, activate the virtual environment by typing the following command. Please Make sure you are in the virtual environment directory.
  source bin/activate

django installation

  sudo pip install django==3.0.1
  • to check the version of django
  python -m django --version
  • will deploy this project on heroku server soon!!