
This project leverages cutting-edge technologies like blockchain and machine learning to build trust and combat corruption in government systems. Secure Land Registry: Eliminates fraud with tamper-proof land ownership records. Automated Traffic & Challan System (using edge computing): Ensures transparency in traffic enforcement and reduces bribery

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Anti Corrupto

In today's governance landscape, transparency and accountability are indispensable for fostering trust and combatting corruption. Manual processes and opaque systems often facilitate malfeasance, leading to public disillusionment. This project addresses these challenges by harnessing innovative technologies, notably blockchain and analytics, to revolutionize governance practices. Through blockchain-powered systems like automated traffic monitoring and automated challan system through edge computing and a secure land registry, tamper-proof records are established, minimizing corruption opportunities. Smart contracts automate processes such as ticketing and fund allocation, reducing bribery risks. A secure whistleblower platform fosters accountability. Data-driven insights enable efficient resource allocation. This platform not only encourages transparency but also fosters a culture of accountability within governmental institutions. Addressing issues in land registry, such as stamp duty evasion and undervaluation, the project aims to restore public trust in governmental systems. The project sets a precedent for responsible and effective administration, ultimately fostering a more equitable and just society

To run postgres database

  • docker compose up
  • docker exec -it container_id /bin/bash

How to Run Backend

  • npm i
  • npx prisma format
  • npx prisma migrate dev
  • npx prisma generate
  • npx prisma studio

How to Run Mobile Frontend

  • npm i
  • npx expo start
  • a (for android)
  • i (for ios)

Backend env file

  • DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:123@db:5432/capstone?schema=public // For local database
  • DIRECT_URL="#"
  • FRONTEND_BASE_URL="http://localhost:5173" // For local Frontend Deployment
  • FRONTEND_BASE_URL="https://anticorrupto-frontend.vercel.app"
  • Backend_BASE_URL="localhost:3000" // For local Frontend Deployment
  • Backend_BASE_URL="anticorrupto-backend.onrender.com"
  • PORT=3000

How to Run ML Model

  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • python main.py

deploy contracts hardhat

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network sepolia (get abhi in artifacts)

Deployed Links