
This is a Basic Paint Application developed only using Java.


  1. Draw strokes with pencil tool and set thickness.
  2. Quick color selection buttons.
  3. Provided with Color Picker (Swatches, HSV, HSL, RGB, CMYK) using JColorChooser.
  4. Save, Save As, Load buttons to Save/Load you work using Interactive JFileChooser.
  5. Undo, Redo
  6. Set Canvas size. ( Minimum recommended: 900x800), if minimum is not set, it is handled by catch and throw mechanism.

How to use this repository?

  • Download zip and extract.
  • Open eclipse or any IDE and Import project.
  • Run

Solution for image not imported error(NullPointerException):

All icons used in the project are placed in /bin folder, import all the images again via file system.