
Filesutra is an easy way to implement imports and uploads from all popular cloud storage. Supports google drive, onedrive, box, dropbox.

Primary LanguageGroovy


Filesutra has now evolved into CloudFiles, we will soon opensource the filesutra component of CloudFiles. At CloudFiles, we have re-written Filesutra component using NodeJS & ReactJS.

Filesutra is an easy way to implement imports and uploads from all popular cloud storage. Supports google drive, onedrive, box, dropbox.

Filesutra backend is written using grails framework and frontend is written using angularjs.

To use Filesutra in a web application, include filesutra.js from the server where Filesutra app is running. A demo application is hosted at filesutra.com, so you can quickly use the Filesutra in your application.

Add following script to your html page -

<script src="http://filesutra.com/js/filesutra.js"></script>

Then add following code to click handler of import button(assuming jquery is already included in the page) -

$("#importBtn").click(function() {
  filesutra.importFiles(function(data) {
  // File import response is available in 'data' variable
  /** sample response
    "fileName": "sample.pdf",
    "downloadUrl": "http://filesutra.com/download/teGhzSfIp4zJLW9",
    "size": 12345

To use Filesutra in your production web apps, please host Filesutra on your own server by following instructions below. Then add filesutra.js from your own running instance of Filesutra.

How to run Filesutra -

Clone this repository. Install postgreSQL database. Create a user in postgres and a blank database using following commands in a terminal -

psql -U postgres

CREATE ROLE <user_name>;
CREATE DATABASE filesutradb OWNER <user_name>;
GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE filesutradb TO <user_name>;
GRANT ALL ON DATABASE filesutradb TO <user_name>;

Configuration -

cd to Filesutra repo. Copy the file filesutra-config.groovy from docs/ to any place where you want to keep the configuration file, just keep is outside the cloned repo. Edit the config file and insert the appropriate values for parameters. You will need to create API projects for Google, OneDrive, Box and OneDrive. Use the following links:

Google - https://console.developers.google.com/project Redirect URI - <serverurl>/auth/googleCallback

Box - https://app.box.com/developers/services/edit/ Type - Box Content Redirect URI - <server url>/auth/boxCallback

Dropbox - https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps/create Type - Dropbox API app Redirect URI - <server url>/auth/dropboxCallback

OneDrive - https://account.live.com/developers/applications/create Redirect URI - <server url>/auth/onedriveCallback

After creating these projects, copy the CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET and REDIRECT_URI to filesutra-config.groovy at appropriate places

Once the configuration is in place, set the following Environment variable - FILESUTRA_CONFIG to the location where you copied the configuration file. Then run the grails app -

On *.nix system, execute ./grailsw

On windows system, run grailsw.bat

How to contribute -

Fork this repository, make your changes and send a pull request.