
  • MusicWiki is an application that provides information about various music genres, albums, artists and tracks of a particular genre. It can be used as a Wikipedia for music infromation by music lovers all across the globe.

Technologies Used

technologies used Links
Retrofit API
Glide Image Library

Project Architecture 🗼

This app uses [MVVM (Model View View-Model)] architecture.

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  • The application uses MVVM architecturere and coroutiones to asynchronously call the API.
  • It also uses Hilt-Dagger for dependency injection in the Application.
  • The application starts with MainActivity which displays the genres. Clicking on the toggle icon expands the list of available genres to displays all the genres provided by the API.
  • Clicking on any one of the genres takes you to the GenereDetailScreen which diplays information about the genre and the various Albums, Artist and Tracks that are listed under the selected genre.
  • Each item listed under the album shows the title, artist name and the cover image if available or the default launcher image.
  • Each item listed under the artists shows the artist name and the cover image if available or the default launcher image.
  • Each item listed under tracks shows the title, artist name and the cover image if available or the default launcher image.
  • On clicking on a AlbumItem the application takes the user to the AlbumDetails Activity.

The AlbumDetails Activity displays the cover image, title and the album information which includes the the description and the list of genres in a horizontal recyclerview. Clicking on the genre it takes you to the GenreDetail Activity as explained above and the flow continues.

  • On clicking on a Artists Item the application take you to the ArtistDetail Activity.
  • The ArtistDetail Activity displays the image of the artist followed by the artist name and the various genres under which the artist have released their songs or albums.
  • It also displays TopTracks and TopAlbums of the artist in a horizontal recycler view which also contains the name of the track/album followed by the artist name.
  • On Clicking the genres displayed in the ArtistDetail Activity it again take you to the GenreDetailActivity of the particular genre and the flow of the application resumes as before.

Decisons And Assumption

  • Tried to keep the UI as minimalistic as possible due to time constraints to focus more on the Architecture of the Application.
  • Used Hilt-Dagger in the code following the best practises. It reduces the development time considerably also provide clean architecture and understandable and readable code.
  • Used retrofit for making Api calls.
  • Experimented a little bit with UI by not using the exact colors as instructed in the assignment as i thought the present colors provide more contrast and unique look to the UI.
  • Several images in Artists, Tracks or Top Tracks section could not be loaded due to complication in the Api.
