Pluggable File Transfer Utility

> This utility is a pluggable solution for transferring file(s) & directories across a source and destination.

> This will help in cutting down development effort & time for custom data ingestion across multiple engagement allowing easy integration & minimal code changes.


Features of Version 1.1

Source Destination
Local System / Network Shared Folder Local System / Network Shared Folder
Outlook Local System / Network Shared Folder
Dropbox Local System / Network Shared Folder


* Transfer of file(s) & directory between Local System/Network Shared Folder.

* Transfer of attachments from Outlook to Local System/Network Shared Folder.

* Transfer of file(s) & directory from Dropbox to Local System/Network Shared Folder.


User Guide

To run the python script:

Type the following on command prompt -



There are multiple modes of running the utility:

  • "local" :

    This mode will activate transfer of file(s) & directory between Local System or Shared Network Folder.

    Type the following on command prompt:

    python --local


    Only on passing arguments "--local" , the utility will enable file(s)/directory transfer based on a configuration.

    Configuration for local system transfer (Depending on the requirement):

              "local machine":
                      "overwrite": "---",
                      "src_dir": "---",
                      "dest_dir": "---",
                      "file_name": "---"
                      "overwrite": "---",
                      "src_dir": "---",
                      "dest_dir": "---",
                      "file_name": "---"

    Mandatory Attributes to be passed to Configuration JSON:

    1. "overwrite" (String): Overwrite flag to assert whether the file(s)/directory should be overwritten or not.

        List of Values: ["yes", "no"]

    2. "src_dir" (String): Specifying the absolute source directory.

    3. "dest_dir" (String): Specifying the absolute destination directory.

    4. "file_name" (String): Specifying the file name(s) to be transferred.

      4.1. Directory (String): Mentioning file_name as "" -> Specifying the directory to be transferred instead of file(s).

      4.2. File (s) (String): Mentioning the keyword or the file name as it is (irrespective of the Letter Case).


  • "outlook" :

    This mode will activate transfer of file(s) from Outlook to Local System or Shared Network Folder.

    Type the following on command prompt:

    python --outlook


    Only on passing arguments "--outlook" , the utility will enable file(s) transfer based on a configuration.

    Configuration for Outlook transfer (Depending on the requirement):

                      "overwrite": "---",
                      "dest_dir": "---",
                          "subjects": ["---", "---"],
                          "email_saved_folder": "---",
                          "user_email": "---"
                      "overwrite": "---",
                      "dest_dir": "---",
                          "subjects": [],
                          "email_saved_folder": "---",
                          "user_email": "---"

    Mandatory Attributes to be passed to Configuration JSON:

    1. "overwrite" (String): Overwrite flag to assert whether the file(s)/directory should be overwritten or not.

        List of Values: ["yes", "no"]

    2. "dest_dir" (String): Specifying the absolute destination directory. String DataType.

    3. "emailSettings" : Outlook email settings required for connecting to the User's Outlook Account.

      3.1. "subjects" (List): Specifying the list of subjects to filter the emails. If list is empty, all the emails in the specified "email_saved_folder" will be retrieved.

      3.2. "email_saved_folder" (String): Specifying the saved folder to search the emails for.

      3.3. "user_email" (String): Specifying the user's email to transfer file(s) from.


  • "dropbox" :

    This mode will activate transfer of file(s)/Directory from Dropbox to Local System or Shared Network Folder.

    Type the following on command prompt:

    python --dropbox


    Only on passing arguments "--dropbox" , the utility will enable file(s)/Dropbox transfer based on a configuration.

    Configuration for Dropbox transfer (Depending on the requirement):

                      "overwrite": "---",
                      "src_dir": "---",
                      "dest_dir": "---",
                      "file_name": "",
                      "overwrite": "---",
                      "src_dir": "---",
                      "dest_dir": "---",
                      "file_name": "---",

    Mandatory Attributes to be passed to Configuration JSON:

    1. "overwrite" (String): Overwrite flag to assert whether the file(s)/directory should be overwritten or not.

        List of Values: ["yes", "no"]

    2. "src_dir" (String): Specifying the absolute source directory.

    3. "dest_dir" (String): Specifying the absolute destination directory.

    4. "file_name" (String): Specifying the file name(s) to be transferred.

      4.1. Directory (String): Mentioning file_name as "" -> Specifying the directory to be transferred instead of file(s.)

      4.2. File(s) (String): Mentioning the keywords or the file name as it is (irrespective of the Letter Case).

    5. "dropboxSettings" : Dropbox settings required for connecting to the User's Dropbox Account.

      5.1. "app_key" (String): Specifying the application key required to verify account credentials of the user.

      5.2. "app_secret" (String): Specifying the application secret required to verify account credentials of the user. String DataType.

      5.3. "access_token" (String): Specifying the access token required to authenticate account credentials of the user.



  • By Default, all the file(s)/ directory transfer modes get activated unless otherwise specified.

      Type the following on command prompt:
    • python

      • Activating all the transfer modes (local, outlook, dropbox)


  • Activating more than 1 mode for file(s) / directory transfer.

      Type the following on command prompt:
    • python --local --dropbox

      • Activating local and dropbox transfer modes.
    • python --outlook --dropbox

      • Activating outlook and dropbox transfer modes.
    • python --local --outlook

      • Activating local and outlook transfer modes.