Implementation of MSApriori Algorithm (Excluding rule generation)

Group Memebers:

  1. Ahmed Metwally (UIN: 678120810)
  2. Vishal Bansal (UIN: 669773290)


The Msapriori algorithm works in two steps:

  1. Generate all frequent item sets; A frequent itemset is an itemset that has transaction support above MIS(minimum item support).
  2. Eliminate the items that do not fulfil the given constraints like SDC, Cannot-be-together, and Must-have.

Getting Started:


  • Python >3.6 must be installed.

Installing, Testing and Running:

Clone the project to your local repository:

git clone

Navigate to the project directory:

cd msapriori/

To execute the program from command line, use:

python3 -i <input-file.txt> -p <parameters-file.txt> -o <output-filet.txt>


python3 -i data/inputdata3.txt -p data/parameters3.txt -o test.txt

Implementation Notes:

  • In the outputfile, the Tailcount for any listed frequent k-itemset is the count of the individual item which has the highest MIS.