
Automatically generated constants for all flutter assets.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


Generate constants for resources which require using them as a String like fonts and assets. Generated file will look like this: assets.dart


  1. Ensure that your assets and localization files are inside lib directory. This is required for builder plugin to detect changes.

  2. Add dependencies in your pubspec.yaml:

    sdk: flutter

  r_flutter: <version>
  1. Add r_flutter configuration in your pubspec.yaml:
# important: this is root level option
  intl: lib/i18n/en.arb
    - lib/assets/sub/ignore1 #use ignore option to skip 
    - lib/assets/sub/ignore2
    - lib/i18n


  • intl: Points to a localization file that would be used to generate localization keys. arb files are essentialy json files with some special, optional keys. Specifing this is optional.
  • ignore: specifies a list of files/directories that should be skipped during code generation.
  1. Execute flutter generate command in your project's directory. You could also run tests or just build the app. Compiler must run at least once to generate the file. assets.dart will be generated into .dart_tool/build/generated/YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME/assets.dart

  2. Import assets.dart and start using it:

import 'assets.dart'
Image(image: Images.image)

Note: if something doesn't work, check the example project.


  1. Add default localization file to pubspec.yaml
  intl: lib/i18n/en.arb

Other locales will be searched under the same folder as the default localization file (e.g. lib/i18n/) for the following 4 formats:

  • <language_code>.arb (e.g.: en.arb, zh.arb)
  • <language_code>_<country_code>.arb (e.g.: en_US.arb, en_GB.arb)
  • <language_code>_<script_code>.arb (e.g.: zh_Hans.arb, zh_Hant.arb)
  • <language_code>_<script_code>_<country_code>.arb (e.g.: zh_Hans_CN.arb, zh_Hant_TW.arb, zh_Hant_HK.arb)

Where <language_code> consists of 2 lowercase letters (ISO 639-1); <country_code> consists of 2 uppercase letters (ISO_3166-2); <script_code> consists of 4 letters with the first letter being capitalized (ISO 15924).

  1. Add it to your app.
  title: 'r_flutter',
  supportedLocales: I18n.supportedLocales,
  localizationsDelegates: [
  home: HomePage(),
  1. Use it
import 'assets.dart'

Custom asset classes

r_flutter supports third party packages like flutter_svg by providing option to convert generated constants directly into the desired class. To use it, you need to configure which file extension should by handled by which class, for example:

      import: asset_classes.dart
      class: SvgFile

And then, r_flutter will use SvgFile class for all svg assets:

static const SvgFile svg = SvgFile("lib/assets/svg.svg")


incompatibility issued with build_runner

At the moment this integration does not work well together with build_runner. In this case the code generation can be executed using the command line tool.

  r_flutter: <version>


flutter packages pub run r_flutter:generate

assets.dart not found

Execute flutter generate command in your project's directory. You could also run tests or just build the app. Compiler must run at least once to generate the file. assets.dart will be generated into .dart_tool/build/generated/YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME/assets.dart

news keys not resolvable in IDE

When assets.dart is regenerated, sometimes it is not correctly indexed by the IDE: Building should run anyway, even though that the IDE shows an error.

If the error constits, check the assets.dart and maybe add a Whitespace somewhere. That will trigger the IDE to re-index.

iOS won't show the correct language

The iOS project need to be updated: Documentation



Instead of writing:

Image(image: AssetImage("assets/path/to/image.png"))

you can write:

Image(image: Images.image)

Instead of writing:

    fontFamily: "Roboto",

you can write:

    fontFamily: Fonts.roboto,

Instead of writing:

await rootBundle.loadString("assets/path/to/data.json")

you can write:

await rootBundle.loadString(Assets.data)