
It is a sample book library api. Contains module like, assigning books, generating assigned reports, adding students, fetching books by pagination etc

Primary LanguageJava


..* To set up project, follow below step

  1. Import library_database.sql in mysql database.
  2. Change database configuration in "src/main/resources/db.properties" file.

..* Database Diagram

alt text

..* Resourse URL's to use this web service

  1. add student : POST – http://localhost:8080/booklib/api/student { "firstName" : "Anuj", "lastName" : "Gupta", "phoneNubmer" : "1234567890", "email" : "anuj@gmail.com", "password" : "password" }

  2. Student authentication : POST - http://localhost:8080/booklib/api/student/authenticate { "email" : "anuj@gmail.com", "password" : "password" }

  3. Get all book publishers: GET - http://localhost:8080/booklib/api/bookPublisher

  4. Add publisher : POST - http://localhost:8080/booklib/api/bookPublisher { "name": "Demo publisher" }

  5. Update publisher: PUT - http://localhost:8080/booklib/api/bookPublisher/{publisherid} { "name": "Demo publisher updated1" }

  6. Get all book categories: GET - http://localhost:8080/booklib/api/bookCategory

  7. Add Category : POST - http://localhost:8080/booklib/api/bookCategory { "name": "biography" }

  8. Update Category: PUT - http://localhost:8080/booklib/api/bookCategory/{categoryid} { "name": "updated category name" }

  9. Get books by page: http://localhost:8080/booklib/api/book?page=1&limit=5&authorid=1 Here page, limit and author id are parameters.

  10. Add book : POST - http://localhost:8080/booklib/api/book { "name": "Game of throns", "edision": "3", "numberOfBookAvailable": "10", "category": { "id" : "10" }, "author" : { "id" : "2" },

    "publisher" : {
    	"id" : "2"


  11. Issue a book to a student : - POST - http://localhost:8080/booklib/api/loan { "bookId" : 13, "studentId" : 3 }

  12. Get the assigned book (loan detail) detail in a report : - http://localhost:8080/booklib/api/loan/report

  13. Deposit a book for student : PUT - Issue a book to a student : - POST - http://localhost:8080/booklib/api/loan { "bookId" : 13, "studentId" : 3 }

  14. Get book assigned to student : GET - http://localhost:8080/booklib/api/loan?studentId=2