Wrapper for flask_oidc2 that exposes a SecurityManager
for use with any Flask-AppBuilder app.
It will allow your users to login with OpenIDConnect providers such as Auth0, Okta or Google Apps. This version of the code extracts the roles information of OIDC ID token, and allow a request to continue only if the role is available on the application.
This is roughly inspired by the code in this stackoverflow answer. (MIT Licenced © thijsfranck)
Just override the default security manager in your Flask Appbuilder app.
from fab_oidc2.security import OIDCSecurityManager
appbuilder = AppBuilder(app, db.session, security_manager_class=OIDCSecurityManager)
Airflow provides a hook in the webserver_config.py
file where you can specify a security manager class.
In webserver_config.py
import the OIDCSecurityManager and set
from fab_oidc2.security import AirflowOIDCSecurityManager
Airflow now requires that your SECURITY_MANAGER_CLASS
is a subclass of AirflowSecurityManager
Use the special AirflowOIDCSecurityManager
that is only defined if you're using this library alongside Airflow.
Superset works in a a similar way. Just as in Airflow,
needs to be a subclass of SupersetSecurityManager
the config is in a file called superset_config.py
and the hook is called
. There now exists a special
that is only defined if you are using this
library alongside Superset.
from fab_oidc2.security import SupersetOIDCSecurityManager
The settings are the same as the [flask_oidc settings][flask_oidc_settings], so look there for a reference.
if you're happy with [flask_oidc]'s defaults the only thing you'll really need is something like:
OIDC_CLIENT_SECRETS = '/path/to/client_secret.json'
see the [flask_oidc manual client registration][flask_oidc_manual_config] docs for how to generate or write one.
If you like to change the default OIDC field that will be used as a username, first name, last name and granting access via OIDC roles, you can set the following env var in the shell you run your process:
export USERNAME_OIDC_FIELD='preferred_username'
export FIRST_NAME_OIDC_FIELD='given_name'
export LAST_NAME_OIDC_FIELD='family_name'
export ROLES_OIDC_FIELD='roles'
This is a fork of the project [ministryofjustice/fab-oidc]: https://github.com/ministryofjustice/fab-oidc
Copyright © 2018 HM Government (Ministry of Justice Digital Services). See LICENSE.txt for further details.