
Pi hack project for future development

Primary LanguageHTML


Pi hack project for future development


Developed with:

  • Django REST Framework
  • psql or sqlite

psql database need to manually configure in settings.py file

API End points:

POST User registration completed

http://localhost:8000/register/ params?here

POST Authenticate the registered user return the jwt token as cookies

http://localhost:8000/login/ params?here

POST Update the monthly energy production capability of user in kseb db and user db for the credit system

http://localhost:8000/ksebsolarcapacity/ params?here

POST add the points in user table when the solar pannel get updated

http://localhost:8000/addpoint/ params?here

GET Fetch the entire user data by consumerno

http://localhost:8000/userdata/ params?here

POST Share the point value to another user

http://localhost:8000/shareunit/ params?here