
A GUI application designed in Processing for the Mini CNC Plotter I made with salvaged stepper motors and drives from old CD drives.

Primary LanguageProcessingMIT LicenseMIT


A GUI application designed in Processing for the Mini CNC Plotter I made with salvaged stepper motors and drives from old CD drives. It's currently under development. I'll upload all the documentation once I finish the hardware and software for it.

This is what I'm using for developeing the control software : www.processing.org

My project website is at www.vishnumaiea.in

This project will be available at : http://www.vishnumaiea.in/projects/hardware/mini-cnc-plotter

This source repository is distributed under MIT License.

How to run the application ?

  1. First go to www.processing.org and download the Processing version for your operating system and install it.
  2. Download all the files in this repository and open the .pde file from the "Mini_CNC_Plotter_GUI" folder with Processing application.
  3. Click the "Run" button in Processing which will create an instance of the program.
  4. You may need to install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to run the application.
  5. You can use the "Export Application" feature in Processing to create executable files for preferred OSs.

How to use the application ?

  1. Connect the plotter to the computer and determine the COM it is assigned to.
  2. Run the application and select the COM port in the initial window and press START.
  3. Select a plotting method from Lines, Freehand and Points.
  4. Select a BITMAP/PNG image with a resolution of 327 x 250 pixels using the Load Image button. Some sample images are available in the "data" folder.
  5. Click Start for start plotting, Pause for pausing and resuming.