
Virtual Homelab Setup on AWS Public Cloud


The basic layout of the lab is as follows: Network Diagram

Quick Facts

  • 12 AWS EC2 Instances in total
  • Full-blown Active Directory setup
  • Securely accessible from anywhere on the internet
  • Funded by AWS Educate credits that I earned in school/college.


  • Only EC2 instance that is exposed to the internet (Bastion Host)
  • Hardened firewall and OS configuration
  • Provides VPN access to other instances and physical homelab
  • Authentication provided through AD

SSO / Authentication

  • Consists of 2 EC2 instances in high-availability mode running Windows Server 2016
  • Both instances serve as Domain Controllers
  • Installed services: AD-DS, AD-CS, DNS

Development Subnet

  • Consists of 4 EC2 instances, each running a single tool/service (AD authentication on all)
  • GitLab: self-hosted instance (source-control, code-linting/analysis)
  • Jenkins: CI/CD workflows and pipelines
  • Ansible: Runs Ansible processes and AWX
  • Docker: Bunch of containers (deployment target for Jenkins/Ansible)

Pentesting Subnet

  • Consists of 4 EC2 instances,
  • Master instance: Runs Kali Linux 2020.1 with 2x AWS Elastic Graphics (for GPU accelerated processes/parallelization)
  • Test instance 1: Runs Windows Server 2012 (+ AD, used to mimic domain environment)
  • Test instance 2: Runs RHEL 7 (hardened target node)
  • Test instance 3: Runs FreeBSD 12 (modified to mimic macOS High Sierra internals)


  • EC2 instance running Prometheus + Grafana stack
  • Agents running on all EC2 instances (node_exporter for Linux / wmi_exporter for Windows)
  • Grafana Dashboard shows live status of all services (screenshot below)
