
Creating Azure resources using Managed Service Identity authentication

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Manage resources using Managed Service Identity using Ruby

This sample demonstrates how to manage Azure resources via Managed Service Identity using the Ruby SDK.

On this page

Create an Azure VM with MSI extension

Azure Compute VM with MSI

Run this sample

  1. log in to the above Azure virtual machine which has MSI service running and then follow the steps on that VM.

  2. If you don't already have it, install Ruby and the Ruby DevKit.

  3. If you don't have bundler, install it.

    gem install bundler
  4. Clone the repository.

    git clone https://github.com/Azure-Samples/resources-ruby-manage-resources-with-msi.git
  5. Install the dependencies using bundler.

    cd resources-ruby-manage-resources-with-msi
    bundle install
  6. Set the following environment variables.

    export AZURE_TENANT_ID={your tenant id}
    export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID={your subscription id}
    export RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME={name of the resource group}    

    [AZURE.NOTE] On Windows, use set instead of export.

  7. Run the sample.

    bundle exec ruby example.rb

What does example.rb doing?

Create an MSI Token Provider

Initialize subscription_id, tenant_id, resource_group_name and port from environment variables.

subscription_id = ENV['AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID'] || '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111'
tenant_id = ENV['AZURE_TENANT_ID']
resource_group_name = ENV['RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME']
port = ENV['MSI_PORT'] || 50342 # If not provided then we assume the default port

Now, we will create token credential using MSITokenProvider.

# Create Managed Service Identity as the token provider
provider = MsRestAzure::MSITokenProvider.new(port)
credentials = MsRest::TokenCredentials.new(provider)

Create a resource client

Now, we will create a resource management client using Managed Service Identity token provider.

client = Azure::ARM::Resources::ResourceManagementClient.new(credentials)
client.subscription_id = subscription_id

Create an Azure Vault

Now, we will create an Azure key vault account using MSI authenticated resource client. This Azure Key Vault account resource is identical to normal account but it is just created under the resource group where MSI enabled Azure VM has the permission to create resources.

puts 'Creating key vault account with MSI Identity...'
key_vault_params = Azure::ARM::Resources::Models::GenericResource.new.tap do |rg|
  rg.location = WEST_US
  rg.properties = {
      sku: { family: 'A', name: 'standard' },
      tenantId: tenant_id,
      accessPolicies: [],
      enabledForDeployment: true,
      enabledForTemplateDeployment: true,
      enabledForDiskEncryption: true

Delete an Azure vault

Now, we will delete key vault account created using this example. Please comment this out to keep the resources alive in you Azure subscription.
